After flying overseas to enroll in a prestigious boarding school, Blake Graham assumes that she can finally catch a break.
Instead, she encounters the boy who she fought with almost every day as a child.
After moving back to England, then over to...
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"My tongue is numb," complained Dakota as he held his waffle cone away from his face. After leaving the bakery, Kota dragged me to the nearest gelato shop and ordered an extra large cone with six scoops of different flavors. After licking away at the monstrosity for a good seven minutes, he seemed to have realized the mistake he made.
"Damn that sucks." I monotonously said to him, as I looked at the dripping mess on his hands. I had decided to get one scoop of chocolate gelato in a cup, and had finished it a good three minutes ago.
"Thanks for the empathy."
"You're welcome. Besides, you chose to get all that gelato so now you have to pay the consequences."
"I didn't realize how full I was!"
"Your fault," I shrugged at him. "Hey, the hotel is like right there. You can clean yourself up the- Hey! Watch out! These are Alexander McQueen!" I screeched, pushing Dakotas hand away. He had moved his dripping cone towards me, and I narrowly missed getting strawberry gelato on my sneakers.
"Whoops." He not so innocently said, going back to eating his cone. I cautiously took a few small steps away, trying to get to the hotel faster. Right as we were about to round the corner to enter the hotel, a blaring song began to play interrupting the previous silence. What sounded like the Italian National Anthem, and it was coming from Kota.
"Oh shit, that's Luca calling. Can you get my phone from my pocket? My hands are sticky."
I went to get his phone from his back pocket when he screeched, "Woah woah! Don't try and cope a feel! It's in my hoodie pocket!"
Rolling my eyes, I went and pulled out his blaring phone from his pocket. I answered the call, and put the phone on speaker. "Hello?"
"Hey, Blake?" Luca's crackly voice sounded.
"And me!" Dakota loudly stated, before taking a huge bite of his cone.
"Awesome. I wanted to tell you something."
"What ish ith? Ah cold, cold." Dakota complained with a mouth full of gelato.
"You enjoying that gelato cone Kota?"
"Yeah I am it's pretty goo- wait a minute. How do you know I'm having a cone and not a bowl?"
"Because," Luca simply stated, "I can see you."
I immediately began looking around the area. Street lamps illuminated the sidewalk, but no six foot boy stood out.
"Where are you Brooklyn Boy?" Kota demanded, looking around also. All of a sudden, the phone disconnected. I confusedly looked at the phone until I heard a voice yell.
"How many times do I have to tell you? It's Manhattan!"
We immediately looked up, to see the one and only Luca Kingsley standing on one of the hotel balconies. Excitedly, I grinned at him. "How did you get up there?"