So so so sorry for the delay!
Third Person POV
The four 'kings' of Cambridge Academy sat sprawled around their lounge doing various things while communicating to each other. Each boy had a completely different personality than the other, but they all fit each other like a puzzle. Silent Luca, loud Dakota, brooding Clark, and bubbly Nico.
The four boys were discussing various topics, all ranging in oddness. The current one brought on due to Luca eating a large bowl full of sugary American cereal.
"But you don't understand how weird it is to think that you and a baby cow are drinking from the same boobs!" Nico cried from his seat on the sectional.
Kota scoffed, "Milk is made for consuming, wether it be cows, goats, sheep, camels..."
Luca furrowed his brows, "Camels?"
"Camel milk is lactose free!"
"No way," Clark laughed slightly. He was seated upside down on the couch, his cheeks slightly pink due to the blood rush.
"Yes way, I had it once in Qatar and I was completely fine. So was the toilet."
The three boys grimaced. They knew Dakota's experience with dairy, and were familiar with the state of the porcelain throne after he had gorged on a tub of Double Chunk Rocky Road.
"You disgust me," Luca wrinkled his nose at the supermodel, "I don't know why I even deal with you."
"Because you looooove me Luca!"
Luca shoveled a spoonful of cereal into his mouth "Wrong."
Nico nodded, "Kota lets be rational. Luca doesn't experience love."
The three boys had been best friends for almost three years, all bonding due to being outsiders in the inside. The world around them feared the boys for various reasons, mainly due to their wealth and status. And maybe two of the fours resting bitch face. But the four understood each other and that's all that mattered. It was what the media would call a bromance.
"Luca only experiences love towards his mother!" Kota proclaimed as a ping sounded from Clark's phone.
"Nothing wrong with being a mamas boy." Luca shrugged.
Clark had flipped over, and was now standing. "I need to head out, I have to go to practice with Graham." And so Clark escaped from the odd conversations, towards his dance 'class'. Clark was to leave for New York once again in two days and was still practicing ballroom dancing with Blake Graham, the school's apparent new 'Queen'.
Nico was the first to speak after Clark had left the room, well not exactly speak. He made a sound similar to that of a whip.
Dakota was second. "They are gonna date, I call it."
Luca agreed, "For sure."
"What do you mean you call it?" Nico frowned, "I've been saying it even before she came!"
"You didn't even know her before she got here!" Luca protested.
Dakota made a sound of agreement "Exactly, so I'm right and I called it first! Doesn't Dakota Ellington sound adorable?"
Nico looked offended. "Why would they ever name their child Dakota? Nicholas Graham-Ellington sounds way more classy!"
"Fuck off Nicholas, if anyone should be credited for their future relationship it's me!" Called Luca, who was laying on the other end of the couch, shoveling more cereal into his mouth. Kota was happily seated on the floor with his feet up on the coffee table.

The Elites
Teen FictionAfter flying overseas to enroll in a prestigious boarding school, Blake Graham assumes that she can finally catch a break. Instead, she encounters the boy who she fought with almost every day as a child. After moving back to England, then over to...