(38) contracts & costumes

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"Hey, you must be Caroline?"

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"Hey, you must be Caroline?"

The dark haired woman looked up to me with a grin. "You can call me Carol. And you must be Blakely?"

"You can call me Blake." I imitated her, pulling my chair out to sit. My new agent was beautiful and she could easily be a model for the agency. With her dark eyes, skin, and hair she made me a little envious of her effortless beauty.

"Okay you ready for this? Did you want to order something? It's on me." Carol brushed some stray curls away from her face. She flagged down a waiter and I quickly ordered a black coffee.

"So, you're from the New York branch?" I began after the waiter had left.

"Yup, like I had said in the email I was back in Germany for a quick meeting with another branch. I wanted to meet you so we could figure out each other's work style and what you want to do with all of this-" she waved her hand in a circle, "-and also we can get to know each other better, so you're comfortable and feeling good about the work ahead."

I nodded, "Yeah, that's awesome. It'll help having another friendly face in this whole business thing. So you're from New York?"

"Born and bred in Queens," she nodded, taking a drink from her cup.

Before I could stop myself, the words "Like Spiderman?" slipped out.

"Exactly! Our little 'local' hero." She smiled at my question.

"Sorry, I've just been watching a lot of Marvel movies lately. I blame it on my boyfriend because he refuses to watch any of my eighties movies and... oh shit sorry for blabbering."

"Oh you're fine," Carol waved me off, "You're dating Clark Ellington right?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Well from the scarce pap pictures that I've seen, you two are adorable."

I blushed awkwardly, "Thanks. Yeah, he's great."

"Okay, so let's just quickly go over what's to come for this year. So you have a shoot in Paris in about a week. That's cool right?"

As the waiter approached our table with my drink, I nodded to Carol before shooting the waiter a grateful smile.

"So you're good with shoots. What about campaigns?"

I took a drink of my coffee. "I can do the campaigns, just depends on what they are. If that's cool? I don't think I'm really up for underwear brands though, considering I'm still sixteen. But depending on the brand I'm down for the campaigns."

I cringed at the thought of me modeling in underwear for some seedy photographers. I might look older but I still feel way too young for that shit.

"Oh yeah for sure, all the shoots and campaigns always have to get your thumbs up before you're slotted. The main priority is your comfort. And one more, do you think you'd like to do runway?"

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