(11) doodles

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We left Paris Sunday afternoon

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We left Paris Sunday afternoon.

The arguments between Clark and I had halted for the rest of our quick trip, due to us giving one another the silent treatment. As for the other three boys and I, well we quickly bonded even more.

The walking to class became a pattern that I soon noticed after walking to Psychology with Luca today. Earlier on Monday, Luca and Nico flanked me on the way to Introduction to Medicine, and on the way to AP French, Dakota supplied me with corny jokes and horrible pickup lines.

I can't say Clark was pleased with the newest development, because when we were walking to the Medical Wing, he walked alongside us with an irked expression gracing his features.

Monday at lunch, Nico had waved me over once again. Since Sarah wasn't at school yet, I gratefully sat with the boys, wanting to avoid Cadence's petty glares.

During Psychology, Luca and I partnered up for some experiment. Well, we were supposed to conduct the experimental design, but instead we talked about the fall sports.

"So you're doing soccer?" I looked up from my notebook, scrawling some of my notes down.

Nodding his head, Luca looked up at me "Yeah, it's that time of year I guess. Tryouts are gonna be soon also, well for everyone else I mean."

"What? You don't need to tryout?"

"Nope," He popped the p, "I'm the captain. The seniors fucking hate it, having a Junior be captain. It was worse last year, but they wouldn't say it to my face. Fucking scared of me and also scared I could kick them off."

I frowned slightly, remembering how the rest of the school viewed the boys. They were cold and closed off, powerful, no one dared messing with them. By default, I was feared also. I figured that out because whenever I walked alone in the halls, no one dared to come in my way. It was the same back at the Institute. I mean, I wasn't exactly bitchy, but I wasn't really a ray of sunshine.

"Earth to Graham," Luca waved at me.

"Whoops, sorry I was thinking." I smiled sheepishly, "Hey, how come I haven't heard of the sports? Is it like a secret society?"

"Actually, all the fall sports will be announced soon. I think tomorrow actually there is gonna be a fair showcasing them. I'll have to ditch some of my classes to help set up the soccer team booth."

"Lucky you," I smirked.

"As if," He scoffed. "I'm going to be monitoring all my idiot teammates to make sure they don't screw anything up. But anyways, how the fair works is that there'll be all these booths. And you just walk around, and if you see a sport you want to tryout for, there's going to be a signup sheet."

"Really? That's it?" I began to skim through the printed copy of information.

"Well, you'll have to put some personal information, but it is pretty easy, yeah." He agreed.

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