~ "Get out. " My mother, Matilda said after throwing my last load of luggage out the door.
"Please forgive me!" I beg on my knees crying to my foster mother.
"I've forgiven you too many times. I don't approve of the wrist slitting and the suicidal attempts, and it's just too much! If you would've died, it would have been on me! I'm sorry Autumn but you have to leave... I wish you the best." She says then closes the door. ~
" And with that, I was back at the orphanage." I explain to my community girls group bluntly shrugging it off.
" Nobody told you to be depressed." One of the rudest girls in the group, Tianna , says snickering.
Her and her crew start laughing. I glare at all of them. ~ I play around in my pockets feeling the pocket knife my only friend in here, Syda (Sy-EE-duh), gave me. I jump off of my chair, walk up to Tianna and poke the pocket knife right in her throat. I see blood start splattering out everywhere getting all on me. I just smirk as she touches her wound.
"oh my god" I heard a lot of girls in the group say. ~ " Tianna! That's enough... " Ms. Nelson the community girls group leader says sternly to Tianna knocking me out of my thoughts.
"Beautiful story, Autumn... Alright girls! That wraps the session up for today! I'll see you all tomorrow to do some community bonding exercises! Sounds fun right?!" Ms.Nelson says enthusiastically.
We all get up from our seats groaning and moaning at what she said.
" Alright Alright... I'll see you tomorrow! Bye girls." She says as we all walk towards and out the door.
" Oh! Autumn! Can I speak to you for a few minutes? I promise it won't be long!" Ms.Nelson says calling me back. I stop in my tracks and turn around to walk back to her and Tianna nudges me in the shoulder. I nudge her back and we start nudging eachother back and forth.
"Girls!" Ms.Nelson says stopping us from what we were doing and we both start walking again glaring at eachother.
"Sorry." I say taking a seat and placing my hands on her desk.
" it's okay..." She says rubbing my hands.
" I have 1 more foster home available for you! And if you don't behave, you're stuck here until you turn 18 Autumn... Don't you take your Anti-Depression medications?" She asks tilting her head.
" Yes... But I feel like they're just making me worse!" I exclaim.
" Well you need to fight the Depression... I'm trying Autumn. I really am.. But if you aren't at least putting any effort into staying at these foster homes, you might never get adopted and I want to see you happy!" She says patting my hands.
I sigh. " When do I get taken there?"
"Well... I've been trying to find a way to tell you for the last 2 weeks. So you are supposed to go in 2 days." She says doing this face.
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