Dirty Bush🤮🌳

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I walk to the front corridors with Aisha as we continue talking.

Aisha is so cool to be around and I fuck with her. We still getting to know each other , but right now I'm suspecting she's just like me. Someone who stays to their self a lot.

"Alright girl.. Ima go now." She says as I text Mikaylas phone for the 500TH TIME TODAY!

"Alright then! See you tomorrow." I say smiling as I look up and wave her goodbye.

She walks the opposite direction so I go outside to sit at the bench and call Mikaylas phone.

I call her phone about 10 more times and she doesnt answer so I call my boy bestfriend, Jays phone instead. He doesn't answer either.

What the fuck is wrong with everyone?

I hear familiar voices shouting as a mob of people walk out of the school causing my attention to transition to them.

I notice Myles kinda in the back of the mob just on his phone walking.

He must've sensed me looking at him because he lifted his head up from his phone and looked straight at me.

Myles and I haven't talked at all today since this morning. I chose not to speak to him because of first hour. If you claim you want me, don't entertain other females like come on now.

I quickly look back down at my phone and I notice a text from Mikayla.

BestBitch🤪😻💜 : Aye sorry baby😫💜 can't pick you up today running kinda late. get a ride from a friend uh sumn n tmr everything will be aight.

Me: ight then i love you bitch

BestBitch🤪😻💜: i luh you too💓

I put my phone in my bag and look up to notice Myles walking towards me. I roll my eyes to myself but as soon as he comes up to me I grow a mean mug on my face.

"What's the mug fo'?" He asks playin w my braids again.

"Whatchu want?" I say folding my hands as i begin to tap my foot on the ground really fast.

"Damn. What's wrong?" He asks sitting by me.

"Nigga if you ain't really want me, don't have me over here lookin stupid. Cuz that's the last damn thing I need in my life right now." I say looking him dead in the eye.

"What are yo- Ohhhh you talm bout first hour? That's why you ain't talk to me all day." He says in realization.

He shakes his head and puts his hand on my thigh attempting to calm me down. But it didn't work! You can't try to seduce me to stop me from being mad at you! Fuck i look like.

"What're you doing?" I ask in confusion as he rubs on my thigh.

"Just tryna comfort you.. But nah on some real talk, Ian know you was actually feelin me. You was making niggas feel like you ain't wan em." He says shrugging.

"Well you know what it is now." I say tilting my head a lil bit.

"Aight then. You tryna be my shorty?" He says looking at me dead in my eyes.

My eyes get wide and my heartbeat starts to speed up.

How was i not expecting that?!!

" If you serious about it , then yea." I say smiling.

"Aight then.." He says holding my hand.

"How you finna get home?" He asks lookin at me confused.

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