Move On🤭🤷🏽‍♀️

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I walk down into the living room where everyone is. Kayla and I are supposed to do our first drop off .

"How i look?" I ask coming down in a all black outfit.

"You look girly gangster

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"You look girly gangster. Why the hell you come down here like you finna rob a gas station ? " Leo asks eating on his hot fries.

"Sorry." i groan going back up the stairs.

Ima just dress casual. As I turn to walk towards my closet I see Kayla walk in my room and shut the door.

"Girl why the hell are you dressed like that?!" I exclaim looking at Kayla.

"Girl why the hell are you dressed like that?!" I exclaim looking at Kayla

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"What? I'm cute" She says shrugging as she smiles.

"Take them ugly ass shoes off and put these on pleasers ." I say handing her some black and white huaraches.

She sighs, "Whatever" she says as she takes them shoes off.

I then walk into my closet and cut the light on.

"What should i wear?" I ask her from in my closet.

"Girl just dress casually we ain't goin to a damn wedding. And these things usually take only about 3 seconds." She says as she throws the filas on the floor of the closet.

I undress myself and I just pull out a red shirt with some jean shorts and my white forces.

I quickly dress myself and i walk out the closet.

I quickly dress myself and i walk out the closet

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"How bout now?" I ask doing a little twirl.

"Eowwww!" she shouts smiling.

"Alright let's go." I say cutting off all my room lights.

We both walk out of our room and i lock the door then we both get into the elevator.


We pull up around the corner to someone's house. There's a whole bunch of people sitting on the front porch talking and a few people by the driveway sitting on some chairs talking. We sit in the car and Leo tells us to observe our surroundings.

"Look for someone that looks like their waiting for someone or something." Leo says and we do exactly that.

"Oh look at that one man!" Kayla points on the window.

I look at the man she's pointing at. He's wearing a all blue outfit with a blue bandana on. It has the GD flag on it 🤷🏾‍♀️

"Yes that's him. Y'all go. Don't forget, shake up and pass it and DONT LEAVE WITHOUT THE MONEY." He exclaims on that last part.

"Alright Alright . Don't gotta get loud wimme nigga." Kayla says annoyed as we both hop out of the car.

Everyone's eyes land on us two teenage girls walking up to the man.

"Wazzam man." I say as i swipe the weed into his hands n he passes me the money as we do a GD handshake. 

I don't gangbang. I just happen to know this handshake because of my observations from home.

We do like a nod greeting type of thing and me and Kayla walk back to the car. That really was fast.

"Yea man alright then." Kayla says so she can feel like she just did something.

"Girl let's just go." I say pulling her by her arm and we rush to the car.

We quickly hop in the car and Leo takes the money from me.

He quickly counts it and says "He know what it is."

"Y'all did good for the first time damn." He adds on then starts the car.

"It was all me, but okay." I mumble then I go on my phone as the rest of the car ride is in silence. Besides the loud ass music Leonardo was playing.


We all enter the house and Kayla and I go upstairs to our room.

"So... do we ever get the money? Because i just risked my innocence. I COULD GET ARRESTED." I exclaim pointing at the door.

Kayla looks at me so confused.

"Girl low yo damn voice. We get paid soon, that's what your dad n my dad told me." Kayla says sitting on the bed cutting the tv on.

We both go on our phone as the news plays in the background.

"On August 25, Florida rapper XXXTentacion released his debut album, 17, which entered at Number 2 on the Billboard 200 chart. The music arrived amid online debate over the criminal case against the 19-year-old, whose real name is Jahseh Onfroy. Last October, prosecutors charged him with aggravated battery of a pregnant woman, domestic battery by strangulation, false imprisonment, and witness-tampering. If convicted on all four counts, XXXTentacion could face substantial prison time. He has pleaded not guilty. He has also denied the charges in various interviews, saying the woman was attacked by someone else and wasn't pregnant, among other contentions. A trial is set to begin on October 5. And next on NBC6 News of South Florida," I hear on the tv then I see a picture of Jahseh vanish from the screen as a new topic is brought up.

"Damn that nigga went bad without a luh Autumn Rein in his life" I chuckle staring at the tv.

He was never like this!

"What happen?" Kayla asks with no expression in her voice as she stares at her phone obnoxiously typing with them long ass nails.

"My old foster brother Jahseh that I told you about, he beat up some knocked up bitch." I say with a look of worry in my eyes.

"Bitch why the hell you so obsessed wit this Joshua nigga? Move on damn the nigga famous, he sho moved on." Kayla says looking at her phone and still typing really really loudly.

"Take your loud ass click clicking on somewhere else." I say annoyed as I hit her in the head wit a pillow.

"Oh so you think you tuff
now huh?" Kayla says setting her phone down on the nightstand and she gets her own pillow.

"I know I am . Fah Fah!" I say shooting a air gun while making gun noises.

Then we both start wrestling on the bed and we both roll on the ground laughing hard as hell.


"The walls aren't even thin! He's just being a annoying ass party shitter." I whisper to Kayla and we start laughing.

"BITCH! You know what?" I hear Leo say then I hear his room door open.

"I guess the walls are thin! Run." I whisper to Kayla and we run into the bathroom to go hide.

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