Bus Sto'💤 🚌

255 22 15

"So who are those guys?" Ryan asks.

"My foster brother and his friend. Don't worry about it. They're dumb." I say, pulling him towards me.

"Oh okay.... so are we like actually going to study orrrr?" He asks.

"I did not invite you over just to study. Who you thought I was?" I laugh, falling back, bringing him down with me.

I sit up and climb on top of him. lmfao he's already rock hard. He looks at me confused.

"What?" I ask, taking off my shirt as I whine my hips against him as a lil tease.

"Fuck. You are the most straight forward girl I've ever met." He chuckles as he places his hand on his face cheesing hard asl.

Suddenly he becomes more aggressive and roughly pulls off my shorts, laying me on my back. He proceeds to slowly kiss on my neck and collar bone while he places his other hand in my panties, rubbing my clit.

"Mhm you a freak.." I moan. He smiles and takes off my panties and bra. He then scoots lower and slowly kisses on my pussy.

"Stop playingggg." I whine.

"It doesn't feel very great to be teased huh?" He chuckles as he slowly licks on my clit.

"Oh shit!" I moan biting my lip and gripping his brown hair.

He flicks his tongue faster and faster making my legs shake uncontrollably. I grip the bedsheets and whine my hips as he continues to snatch my soul.

"Mhm you taste so good." He says.
"Come and ride my face." He commands.

I crawl over to him making my booty jiggle.

"Damn you got a fat ass." Ryan says and slaps it roughly. He pulls me on top of him and he grips my ass again.

"Ya like?" I ask as I kiss on his neck. He smiles and says

"Put that pussy on my face."

I follow his instructions and feel my moans coming in again. 

After i cum in his mouth he takes me off of his face and flips me over so now he was on top.

"Okay Okay now are you ready?" he asks as he puts a strand of my hair behind my ear. 

"Boy dont ask me just do it. Gon make shit awkward." i say straight facing him. 

i then feel his tip at my entrance and he just playfully teases me. i then hear Quinns voice call out my name from behind the room door. 






I aggresively open my eyes and the sun light from outside of the bus blocks my vision for a good two seconds and i see a whole bunch of galaxy shapes.

"What?!" i shout annoyed looking at Quinn and Journey realizing that that was all just a dream.

"Girl you best drop that tone we at yo stop." Quinn says getting up out the seat.

Journey goes next and i go behind in her in the aisle. 

I lock eye contact of Zack and he smiles so i wave.

"Hey Johnny." I say half smiling. 

"That aint my name bitch! My Name R-Sizzle!" he exclaims with a attitude. I look at him taken aback then i turn back around and continue walking.

Whoa I really need some dick, over here havin wet dreams about wanna be Eminems.

"Thanks Roger." i say smiling at my bus driver going down the bus stairs.

"No problem see ya tomorrow!" he says as we exit the bus but i dont reply because he kinda scared me with that remark. 

" How in the hell he gon see me tomorrow if todays Friday? He better not kidnap me, thats all im saying..." i say making Journey chuckle.

"Girl I shouldve just left you sleeping, you was gon wake up at the bus sto'." Quinn says laughing at me as the bus driver shuts the door and drives off

"Yo stupid ass mean the bus depot?" Journey asks trying to hold in her laughter.

"Yea yea whatever." Quinn mumbles.

"Nahhh she woulda woke up at the bus drivers trailer house." Journey says making all of us laugh including herself then it gets quiet as we all continue walking.

"Wait so Alyssa aint gon be suspiscious wit yall packin?" Quinn asks as she texts someone on her phone.

"Thats what i asked Jah but he said Alyssas not home.. We dont know where she is. Jah even called her place of work but shes not there so i dont know.." I say looking down at the ground as i kick a rock through the driveway. 

"Oh.." Quinn says as picks up her walking pace and i see her feet rush pass me.

"Bitch why you always tryna be the first one to the door?! This aint no race." Journey says with a playful attitude as she smiles. 

"I still win tho... And you lose hahahaha oh shitttt!" Quinn says laughing as she knocks on the door.

"Youre so annoying." Journey says groaning. 

"Im just hype girl!" Quinn replys smiling knocking the door harder. 

Quinn ass be turning everything into a song and making a song reference with every chance she gets to do so.

I walk up the steps and I unlock the door looking at Quinn with a smirk on my face.

"You so extra.. someone was gonna open it." Quinn says rolling her eyes as she turns the door knob and pushes the door open. 

We all walk in and we meet nobody downstairs but we all hear loud ass music playing upstairs.

"You sure bout that?" I question while looking at her as i close and lock the door.

She just ignores my response and starts humming to the song '679' they were playing upstairs.

She goes upstairs and follows the music so Journey follows her but i go in the kitchen to get something to eat. A bitch is hungry as helll.

As i open the fridge i hear Quinn and Jahseh start soulfully singing to 'Earned It' by The Weeknd upstairs. I laugh as i take out some more of that fruit salad and i take it upstairs with me.

I trail the music coming from Jahsehs room meeting the whole squad in there putting things in boxes while Jahseh and Quinn sing the whole song word for word.

"I thought you girls came to help me?!" I exclaim leaning against the door frame.

Quinn and Jahseh jerks quickly looking at me while Stokeley and Journey look at me annoyed as hell.

"Ouu bitch you scared me!" Quinn says laughing as she holds her chest.

"Aye boo." Jahseh says as he puts his controller in a box then walks up to me and kisses me so i kiss back.

"Heyyy" i say smiling showing off my dimples.

"Hey Stokeleyyy." I say smiling at him and he returns the gesture.

"Now can you guys please come to my room and help me out?!" i ask annoyed as i take a bite of a grape. 

"Yea but lets put some music on too." Quinn says as she rushes out of Jahs room pulling me towards my room.

I look back to see Journey making a whole bunch of facial expressions and she mouths 'no' and 'dont let her put anything on' while following us to my room and i just laugh and turn back around.

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