Water Works😪👋🏾

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Two men and a woman with briefcases knock on the house door of Alyssa Carmens.

Alyssa opens the door and looks at the three people with a confused expression.

"Hi, uh what seems to be the problem?" Alyssa says faking a smile.

"Are you Alyssa Carmens?" The woman in front of the two men in shades ask Alyssa

"Uh- yea why?" Alyssa replys with a fake smile fading.

"May we please speak to Autumn Iris Cooper Rein? We're from the "Childrens Home Society" social services organization in Fort Lauderdale. Its time for her 4 month foster home check in." one of the men says to her taking off his shades.

"No, her and my son th- they ran away last week." I said as i clear my throat and straight face them.

"Oh that is not good! Did you call the police? Is there a missing childs report filed? Do we have to take this into our own hands?" the woman asks in a worrisome tone.

"N-no not at all.. They were reported to have been at school today and yesterday." Alyssa says calm.

"Well, unfortunately if, and im saying this according to law, if Ms. Rein is not in your custody we will have to take her back into our custody." The other man standing behind the woman says.

"N-no Please! I'll get her back i promise!" Alyssa says begging.

"Sorry but you let a minor orphan be out on her own for a whole week. Im sorry Ms. Carmens, but we are forced to take her back. We will be at Autumns school tomorrow waiting to pick her up." The woman says and they all leave Alyssas front porch and enter a black van.

Alyssa sighs as she shuts her front door.

"Shit!" she whisper shouts

"Whats wrong?" Tevin asks Alyssa through the Skype call she had set up on her laptop in the kitchen.

"Looks like our plan is gonna take a little while to come into play." Alyssa says sitting down on a stool in front of her laptop and fixes her bangs.

// 2 years later

Its been 2 years since i left Jah and Quinn and Journey and i got put back into the system. I'm now 16 years old turning 17 next month. Its February of 2017 and I found out last week that my father is now out of jail meaning I'm no longer going to be in the system. I'm not back at the orphanage because I, unfortunately am not a orphan.

In half an hour my father is supposed to come pick me up from my foster home. And right now its 11:30. Over the last two years me and Jah + the others drifted apart. I called, they called, and eventually they just stopped answering my calls.

"Hey Autumn... You ready to finally see yo pops again?" My foster mother for the last two years , Tanya , asks. Shes really cool and she never gave up on me, i wish i didnt have to leave. She really grew on me and so did this environment. I have 2 foster sisters, a bestfriend, alot of friends and a boyfriend.

"Hell nah sis. I havent seen him since i was a jhit! Ion even remember how old i was the last time i seen him." I said laughing as i took a bite out of a cheese n bacon covered fry.

"Ima really miss you." She says hugging me from behind chair and kisses my forehead.

"Ima miss yall way more.. trust me." i say frowning thinking about how ill never see them again and about how another foster kid is gonna replace me.

"I wish you couldve adopted me." i whine.

"I do too." my older sister Mariyah says walking into the kitchen joining our hug.

"Wheres yo lil sister at?" Tanya asks Mariyah,

"Shes in her room crying.. we really dont want Autumn to leave us." Mariyah says massaging my hair.

"See, now im gettin the water works." i say tearing up.

"Will you come and visit?" My 14 year old foster sister Krystal asks sniffling.

We all turn to look at her and her eyes are puffy and her light caramel face is tomato red.

"I'll try to... I promise." I say looking at her with a sappy smile on my face.

"Come here." i say opening my arms out to her and she runs into them. And i feel Tanya and Mariyah join the hug.

I then break the hug and i check my bags.

"You got everything?" Tanya asks me pulling herself together and wipes the tears off of her cheeks.

"Yea i think, but im gonna go up and double check." I say then i walk upstairs to my room.

My feet touch the soft furry carpet rug and i take a seat on my bed and feel on the cotton bed sheets. I pick up my pillow and take one last smell of it. I inhale the beautiful vanilla aroma one last time and i go to my window and i run my hands through the silk sulken curtains and i put my head against the window. I'm really gonna miss this place.

I then see a expensive looking truck pull up into the driveway. I'm assuming its my father, my mother always told me how "rich" he was. I then see both of the doors open and i get a feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I first see my dad exit the drivers seat and I get sudden flashbacks but almost automatically snap out of it. But then I see my older brother Leo exit the passenger seat and they both walk towards my house door.

Leo... But Leo's dead! These hallucinations cant be back! I've came too far!

I start to feel my heart rate increase and then I hear the sound of my older sister Mariyah shouting my name and she runs into my room.

" Autumn. Your dad and your brothers here.. Your brothers kinda cute.. You didnt tell me you had a brother." She says holding onto my doorknob,

My heart feels like it suddenly just stops and I lose balance so I take a seat on my bed. I feel my head suddenly start to ache.

"Shes in here." I hear Kryssie say from the hall as if she was leading someone into my room and i see my older brother- my "deceased" brother, Leonardo, enter my room.

"Hey Autumn." He says half smiling as he walks toward me.

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