Story For A Story🤲🏽😌

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"Just go! I don't wanna go on that stupid ass trip anyway! Fuck all of you! I hate you all!" I scream out to my parents then I cry in my pillow.

I got in a lot of trouble for smoking at school and I got expelled . My stepdad was called and he made it the biggest deal ever. It's my body! It's not like I'm going to die from weed...

I hear my mom knock on my door and then open its n walk towards me to take a seat on my bed near me.

"Iris..." she says softly.

"Please leave mom... no one treats me fairly in this house. It's all about your other children. Do I not matter anymore?! Do you not give a damn about me anymore?!" I scream throwing the remote at the wall making the batteries fall out and roll towards different directions in the room.

"Language Autumn!" She screams frightening me.

"No! Fuck you and don't call me that ever again !" I demand then I pick up my phone, my keys , and my Ugg's then I walk out leaving my mom in there by herself.

I need some air...

I run down the stairs to meet my 17 year old brother sitting down on the couch on his phone . He notices me come down and he glances at me.

"What you doin ? Where yo shit at ? We leave for the trip in like a hour.." he says smiling.

"I can't go.." I say in a whining tone and I feel a tear come down .

"Why what you do now Iris?" He says palming his face.

"I got snitched on for smoking and I got expelled . I got grounded and now I'm stuck here by myself all week." I say crying.

"That's not fair Leonardo" I add on as I break into tears.

"It's okay .. come here." He says pulling me on his lap for a hug.

"You want me to stay with you?" He asks rubbing my back.

"No .. don't do that! I don't want to ruin your holiday vacation .. go have fun. It's my fault . I did this to my own self." I say sniffling as I lay my head on his shoulder.

"Okay .. you best behave here while you by yo self.. you don't wanna get in more trouble .. i know mom white , but she can turn into a black mom just like that." He says laughing making me laugh.

"Okayyy" I say smiling as I get off his lap.

"Now, how do I look? Cuz I'm finna pull some Paris bitches" he says smirking as he starts feeling on himself and posing.

"Matter fact , here come take my flick." He says handing me his phone.

I start snapping a whole bunch of pictures as he switches poses.

I start snapping a whole bunch of pictures as he switches poses

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