Back To Hell🤦🏽‍♀️🔥

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I wake up to the sound of loud music booming through the wall making my bed vibrate.

" oh my GODDDDD!" I scream out frustrated. I then realize what I said.

"Sorry God for saying your name in vain." I whisper.

Then I pick up my phone to see that it's only 5:15 am and he's literally blasting music at its loudest!

I cover my ears with my pillows trying to go back to sleep.
I start dozing off after about 5 minutes of roughly pushing the pillows onto my ears, and I hear a knock on my door.

That's certainly not Jahseh... Because he wasn't knocking last night.
I hear the door open, and I turn to face the door and I see Alyssa walk in fully dressed.

"Rise and Shine Autumn!" She says cheerfully.

I sit back up on the bed looking at her with a frown on my face

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I sit back up on the bed looking at her with a frown on my face.

" what's wrong?" She asks chuckling as she sits on my bed.

" Jahseh has been banging music since about 2 in the morning and I asked him to turn it off but he's been so unreasonable. I've barely been able to sleep last night!" I frustratedly exclaim.

"Mmm... I see you've met Jahseh..." Alyssa says nodding.

"Yep... We're not on the best of terms right now." I say straight facing her.

" You'll get through it... Jahseh always is rude to people he's unfamiliar with. But give him a chance... Some time... Let him open up to you. Break his barrier." She says.

I sigh.
" I'll try I guess..." I say half smiling.

"But! So today you have like a pre first day of school! I paid for you to get a personal tour guide! So after you get on the bus, you'll get your tour guide in the office who'll walk you through all your classes and introduce you to the teachers and your classes. Then you'll have lunch and the office will call me to pick you up so we can get you some things from the mall and we'll see if there's any extra curriculars you wanna be in and I could sign you up and all that fun stuff." She says smiling after taking a big breath.

" huh... Okay sounds like a plan." I say shrugging since I never really care about anything.

"Yep... So go get ready and we'll meet you downstairs. Be down by 6:55 or earlier please." She says patting my thigh then leaves my room.

I sigh then FaceTime Syda on my iPhone that I got for Christmas at the orphanage.

After three rings she answered.

"Hello?" She says sounding very awake.

" hey! First day of actual school again..." I say rolling my eyes trying to set the phone up on the ground so Syda can see me as I find a outfit from my suitcase.

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