Stuck In The Past🤐🐍

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"So how was school guys?" Alyssa asks as she  wipes down the island counters.

"It was ok I guess." I answer. I glance over at Jahseh who of course isn't saying anything but his eyes are glued to his phone.

Alyssa snickers.

"Teens and their phones these days huh?" She says awkwardly laughing, throwing the rag in the sink .

"Yea I guess ..." I say fake chuckling as I pull my phone out .

"Anything interesting happen today ?" She asks as she rinses the rag in the sink .

I feel Jahsehs eyes come on me so I look up from my phone and he was smirking. As soon as he did so, I realized what he was hinting on.
I gasp loudly and start laughing.

"Shut up!" I say laughing as I run to him and playfully hit him. He starts laughing and blocking his face .

"Iaint even said anything." He says laughing as he starts tickling me.

We both hear Alyssa loudly clear her throat and she looks at us with an awkward smile causing us to stop messing with each other and face her.

"What's so funny over there?" She asks as she starts wiping the clean island counter again.

"Oh nothing.. we're just bonding." I say smiling.

"I didn't know you was like that Autumn .. I might have to try." Jahseh says low but loud enough for Alyssa to hear too. My eyes widen and I then feel Jahseh smack my behind and I hear him run away and up the stairs.

"Jah ! Get back here!" I say as I start running after him but I then hear Alyssa call my name .

"Autumn , come back down here please." She asks sternly.
Ugh what is her deal?!

I stop in my tracks and turn around to walk back towards her.

"Yes?" I ask with a blank stare on my face.

"Do you still want to do extra curricular activities?" She asks eating a fry from a McDonald's bag.

"Actually, not right now but in two months girls basketball starts.." I say then I run away up the stairs.

I tiptoe to Jahs room to meet the door already wide open so I poke my head in the room to see him on that ps4 with his headset on.

I shrug it off and walk over to my room to take a nap.

I lay down and I put sad music on my speaker and I get under my covers.
I slowly drift off into a deep sleep
I let Tevin feel all on my body under my shirt and in my pants .

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks me.

But me being the reckless kid that I am,

"Yeah I'm sure." I whisper as I get off of him and I take off my pants.

He grips my butt with his soft big hand, pulls me back on his lap and starts kissing me all over my collarbone down to my neck and chest.

I grip his hair with my hand n throw my head back as he left love marks all over my body.

I start to feel him grow hard under my behind so he takes me off of his lap and I help him get undressed.
I begin to pull down my underwear but I then hear a call come in on my phone.

He looks at it and tells me to answer.

"Just ignore it." I say after completely taking off all of my clothes.

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