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The boys had been staying at a nice hotel, right on the beach, and what better than to throw a party? Soon there were friends, who brought their friends...who brought their friends. Let's just say there was a lot of people.

Girls were in their bikinis trying to suntan, Michael was off playing beer pong because someone dragged him into it. Luke was mingling, with a beer in one hand, and a piece of pizza in the other.

Then there was calum, who you could say was drowning his sorrows in alcohol, because Ashton wasn't talking to him, he was in a long conversation with a group of girls smiling and giggling, and not paying attention to Calum.

And yes tipsy Calum stared at Ashton's lips for a little too long, but he was too drunk to care, he was more focused on getting his man.

Then almost as if a light bulb had went off in Calum's head, he got the perfect idea. He quickly got up, grabbing Ashton's hand and pulling him away from the group of girls. Ashton waved a goodbye and followed his friend.

"What are we doing?" Ashton giggled as Calum pulled him towards the water, away from everyone else.

"We are going swimming." Calum slurred as he took his shirt off.

Ashton recognized the drunk tone and immediately got concerned, "You can't go swimming like that!"

Calum pouted, "Like what? Would you rather I go nude?"

Ashton chuckled, "No I mean drunk. You'll end up drowning."

"Then come in the water with me." Calum suggests, already knee deep in the salty ocean water.

"No I'm not going swimming right now." Ashton replies stubbornly, Calum rolls his eyes and swims deeper into the water.

"Fine, you're no fun Mr. Ashton Irwin."

Ashton would go back to where the party was but he didn't want to be an accomplice, in case his friend drowned. So instead he sat down on the sand and went on his phone, only occasionally checking to make sure Calum was alive.

Calum's plan however was working out perfectly, when the time was right he began to flail his arms, and yell for help, before sinking under the water.

Ashton looked up due to the sound of excessive splashing, and coughs, but when he looked he could no longer see Calum.

Right away Ashton jumped up from his spot and ran to the water, "Calum!?" he called out, but of course there was no answer. He dove into the water and found Calum who appeared to be passed out, Ashton wrapped his arms around him, and dragged him to shore.

Calum laid limp as Ashton proceeded to freak out, "Shit shit shit!" He leaned down pressing his lips against Calum's and attempting to give mouth to mouth. After a couple of tries, Calum grabbed the sides of Ashton's face so he could deepen the kiss.

Let's just say Ashton didn't exactly pull away right away, but the kiss wasn't nearly long enough in Calum's eyes. "Calum what the fuck!? What you did..that wasn't funny! I was scared shitless!" Ashton scolded.

"Well I had to figure out some way to get you to kiss me." Calum giggles, still clearly a bit tipsy.

Ashton bites his lip and resists the urge to kiss Calum again. "You wanna play games? Fine, we'll play games." he grabs Calum, lifting him up off the ground and then drags him back to the hotel.

People at the party wave to them as they pass by, Ashton smiles, but continues pulling Calum along with him until they reach the hotel lobby. They get in the elevator and Calum starts cuddling into Ashton's arm.

When they reach their floor, Ashton drags Calum and fumbles to get his card key out to open his hotel room. Once he gets the card out, he swipes it in the door and the room unlocks, he pushes Calum inside and enters the room as well, locking the door behind them.

And well let's just say what happened after that, resulted in a noise complaint from room 304

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