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As Ashton layed awake in his bed he looked over at Calum with love in his eyes.

He had been wanting to ask Calum to be his boyfriend for awhile now but he didn't know how to.

Just as Ashton was drifting off to sleep the perfect idea popped into his head.

*The next day*

Cal, Ash, Luke, and Mikey, were getting ready to go to a party at Halsey's house.

"Hey Ash do I look good?" Calum asked as he locked eyes with Ashton.

Ashton looked at Calum adoringly and said, "Cal, you always look great. You don't have to ask."

Calum blushed and went to Ashton and gave him a tight hug. "thanks mate." Ashton just smiled at Calum but felt a pang in his chest when Calum called him mate. He wanted to be more than mates.

Ashton continued to get ready, Calum on his mind. Not noticing Calum's staring as he finished up.

As they arrived at Halsey's house they could feel the energy and temperature increase. Ashton was about to say something to Luke but noticed both him and Michael had disappeared.

He shrugged to himself. I guess it's just me and Cal Ashton thought as he grabbed Calum's hand and led them to a less crowded area.

Ashton put his lips by Calum's ear so he could hear him over the loud music. "Do you want anything to drink Cal?"

Ashton could see Calum visibly shiver as he spoke. He smirked as he waited for Calum's response. "Uh yeah, could you get me a Beer please?"

Ashton nodded and pushed himself off of the wall he was leaning on to make his way to the kitchen to get a beer for Calum.

Once he returned he saw Cal bobbing his head to the music while the red light in the room hit him perfectly.

"Just ask him out already mate." He heard a familiar voice and looked up to find Luke.

"Luke shut up and go make out with Mikey or something." Luke's face went pale as he stood frozen from shock.

"It's obvious you and Michael are together, don't deny it bruv." Luke stared at Ash for a minute before taking a swig of his drink and laughing, walking away. Probably going to find Michael.

Ashton made his way back to Calum and handed him his beer. "Thanks Ash, I appreciate it."

Ashton gave Calum a big smile and took a sip of his drink. As Ashton brought the cup down from his lips he was approached by a pretty red haired girl.

"Hey cutie." She said in a sickly sweet voice. Ashton wanted to roll his eyes but didn't want to be mean and hurt her feelings.

"Hi." He said dryly and the girl giggled like he told a joke. Ashton just smiled awkwardly at the girl.

She moved closer than necessary to Ashton and tried to flirt. Ashton chuckled uncomfortably.

Ashton saw Calum get up quickly and run for the door. He called Calum's name but Calum just continued to head for his destination.

Ashton wormed his way from around the girl and ran after Calum, catching him and grabbing his arm.

Calum turned around with tears streaming down his cheeks. The sight of this made Ashton want to hold Calum and cry with him.

Ashton and Calum stayed that way for what seemed like forever until Ashton pulled Calum's arm and brought him into a hug while pulling them to the grass.

"Cal, why are you crying?" Ashton heard Calum sniffle and felt his head lift from his shoulders. Calum sniffle again and this time Ashton couldn't stop his tears. He hated to see Calum this way.

"Calum are you okay?" Ash asked softly as he looked into Calum's eyes. Calum shook his head no and dried his tears. "Cal, will you tell me what's wrong?"

Ashton looked at Calum hopefully, just desperately wanting to know what made his favorite person cry. Calum shook his head no and looked at the ground.

"Calum talk to me please. I just wanna see your beautiful smile again. It hurts me to see you like this."

Calum felt his cheeks get hot when Ashton said this. He didn't want Ashton to be upset because he was but he also didn't want Ashton to know how he really felt.

Calum let out a sigh and looked up at Ashton, deciding it was now or never.

"Ashton can I tell you something?"

"Of course Cal, anything." Ashton responded, releasing breath because Calum was taking to him again.

"Ashton, I like you, so much. More than a guy should like his best friend. I don't want this to ruin us but I just can't take it anymore. When I saw that girl flirting with you I just couldn't help it. And if you want nothing to do with me after this I totally get that too but I can't live like this anymore."

Ashton sat there looking at Calum in astonishment. Calum and Ashton stared into each other's eyes for what felt like forever until Ashton decided to make the first move.

Ashton pushed himself off of the ground and crashed his lips onto Calum's in a passionate kiss.

The kiss was full of love, seeming as all of it was radiating into the kiss. Their lips molded together perfectly moving in sync. Ashton pulled away from Calum, needing air and wanting to see Calum's reaction.

Calum looked at Ashton in bewilderment and watched as Ashton giggled.

"Oh my gosh Cal you should see your face!"

Calum just looked at Ashton before hitting his arm harshly. "Ashton I'm not a game, I'm not someone you can just play with."

Ashton's mood changed quickly as he heard the words coming from Calum's mouth.

"Calum, why in hell would you ever think that? I fucking love you and I've been waiting for forever to tell you but the time never seemed right. You are my favorite person ever, I'd never hurt you intentionally. Ever. So get it through that cute head of yours that I like you too Cal. I wanna be with you"

Calum visibly gulped and looked into Ashton's eyes. "You wanna be with me?" Cal questioned gesturing between himself and Ashton.

"YES CAL! Do you wanna be my boyfriend for Christ's sake?"

Calum giggled and pulled Ashton in for another kiss.

"I'll take that as a yes." Ashton said when he pulled away from the kiss and smiled down at the beautiful kiwi boy in his arms.

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