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-inspired by photo when Calum kissed Luke on the cheek and that was Ashton's reaction a long with Michael running up to Luke-

"Thank you everyone! For coming out tonight!"
"Yes and thank you parents for bringing your children to a concert with a all male band especially if it's a girl.. but she's probably seen one direction-"
"Michael stop talking." Luke laughed

Calum ran up to Luke grabbed his face and kissed his cheek
Michael ran up to Luke and Ashton stood up from his drum set furious but sat back down because of the fans

Luke laughed when Michael ran up but the boys couldn't show their true reactions or it wouldn't be five seconds of summer it would be five seconds of gays.
Calum knew Ashton would be jealous and he smiled at he thought.

Once the boys went off stage Ashton and Michael both ignored Luke and Calum

"Babe it was a joke it didn't mean anything!" Luke laughed
Michael huffed and they all went into a Uber
It was quite silent but often Michael and Ashton would mumble to each other

"Thanks Calum now I'm gonna get spanked." Luke whispered to Calum who laughed making the other two boys even more furious.

Once they got to the hotel Michael dragged Luke to their room and Luke waved goodbye mouthing 'pray for me'

Calum thought he was going to get the same treatment but instead Ashton had already entered their room

Calum walked in slowly expecting to see a whip or something but Ashton just sat on the edge of the bed

Calum sat on the chair near the bed and started to play with his fingers knowing he actually made a mistake

Calum shot up staring at Ashton who sighed

"You almost exposed our relationship.."
Calum began to chew at his bottom lip

"Ashy I'm so so so sorry-"
"You did this to get me jealous yeah?"
"Yes Ashton."
Ashton tugged at his hair and stood up

Calum's eyes followed his movements
"I'm going to go get a drink at a bar don't bother following me."
"Don't." He walked out the room slamming the door

You could hear the moans from Luke and Michael's room
Calum had fucked up

He didn't really know what to do so he called up Mali

"Hey Calum" Mali smiled through the phone
"Mali I made a mistake."
"What's wrong?"
"I kissed Luke on the cheek trying to get Ashton jealous just playing around obviously but he's really pissed now."

Mali paused

"Oh Calum..."
"I know I know I made a mistake I fucked up."
"Well you did I don't know what to tell you."

Calum sighed

"Okay Calum well since I don't know what to tell you I'll tell you one thing I do know. Ashton loves you and he will forgive you. You've both made mistakes and your relationship is stronger than ever."

(I just wrote that as ghost of you played crying rn)

Calum knew it was true and he smiled a bit at how good his sister was at giving advice
"Thanks Mali I love you."
"I love you too."

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