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Calum was stressed the only way he could get relieved from the stress was a smoke
"Guys I'm going out for a quick smoke." Calum announces
"Calum stop smoking and we have a show in a few anyways." Ashton sighs
"It's quick."
"Just hurry." Michael says

Calum leaves and then remembers he's out of cigars
"Hey man can I have one of those?" He asks a guy on the street with a box full of cigars, smoking one of them.

"Umm this isn't-"
"Thanks man." Calum smiled and took one
"Dude I-"
"Light it."
"Light it!"

The dude lit the 'cigar' up and Calum smoked it for a bit but then he ended up getting high realizing it wasn't a cigar that's why the man was warning him. He also had to preform in a bit.

Him and the guy shared a few laughs then he checked his phone he was 5 minutes late to the show

4 missed calls from Ash
Ash: Calum where are you we're about to leave
Ash: Calum I'm starting to get worried
Ash: we're going on stage
Ash: I'm literally texting you from my drums as a stadium stares at me
Ash: *sends video*

The video was a bunch of fans saying where are you Calum

Calum at least had a little decency in him
He took a taxi to the show and ended up over paying 20 bucks and before anyone could ask where he was he stumbled on stage

"H-Hey everybody!" Calum waves at the fans
All the fans screamed and he giggled
"Get it cause that's like our song?"
"That's sounds good feels good Calum." Luke sighed
All the fans laughed

"You know what sounds good? MY MOANS! You know who makes me feel good? Ashtonnnnnn Irwinnnnn!" Calum yelled into the microphone
That's when the guys knew Calum was high
They all stared at the crowd who stared at Ashton who's eyes were trapped open
Then they all started to yell and gasp

"that was a joke!" Michael laughed
"No it wasn't! You should see this guy in bed." Calum laughed pointing at Ashton
Ashton quickly got up and escorted Calum off the stage as the crowd chanted cashton.

"Calum. A word?" Ashton said unhappily.

"How bout 3 words!" Calum giggled, "I love youuuu" he then poked Ashton's chest.

Ashton swatted Calum's hand away and crossed his arms. "I can't believe you're high right now! We have a fucking show to play. Not to mention, you just completely outed us to thousands of people!"

"Come on what's the big deal? We're all just having fun.." Calum stumbled behind Ashton so he could rub his shoulders. "You're always so tense all the time Ash, relax."

Ashton turned around and gripped Calum's chin in his hand, looking into his red intoxicated eyes. "Where'd you get the drugs huh?"

Calum ignores the question and puckers his lips trying to give Ashton a kiss. "No! Stop it! Where did you get the drugs Calum?"

The younger boy pouts, because all he wants is a kiss and Ashton is denying him it. "Some guy on the street.."

Ashton sighs, that couldn't be anymore sketchy now could it? "Alright I can't believe I'm doing this, let's go, take me to him."

"But we have a show to playyy" Calum whines pointing over to the stage where Luke and Michael are entertaining the crowd.

"The show will have to go on without us." Is all Ashton replies with before dragging Calum with him outside, "Take me to this guy you found on the street."

"Okay okay, bossy much." Calum mumbles, and they get a taxi to take them.

The guy was still on the same street corner Calum had last saw him at.

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