Ashton's proposal

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A regular day on the meet you there tour Ashton gets up from his drum set and goes and takes Luke's microphone also completely interrupting him in a middle of the song catching everyone's attention.
Everyone laughed because well they thought it was a joke.
"Ashton what're you doing? You're the drummer." Calum laughed
Michael and Luke knew exactly what was going on though

Luke grabbed a stool and Michael made Calum sit down.
Everyone in the crowd thought they were about to witness Ashton giving Calum a lap dance but instead Ashton got on a knee.
He chuckled and looked at the crowd
"You know.. I've been in love with this guy for a while... I don't know if you've heard of him his name is Calum and stuff. Actually a long while... six years?" Ashton smiled pointing at Calum
The crowd was dead silent
Calum started to tear up as he got the hint of what was going on.
Ashton reached to the back of his pocket and everyone started yelling and crying.

Michael and Luke were sobbing by now.. their two best friends in love.
Ashton grabbed the microphone and looked at Calum smiling as he cried
He grabbed Calum's hand and Calum squeezed it laughing
"Is this okay with you?" Ashton asked almost whispering
Calum nodded and Ashton wiped his tears

Ashton pointed to the crowd still staring at Calum not breaking eye contact
"This is my family.. our family. I know I want to be with you for the rest of my life and I want them to know too. That I'm madly in love with my best friend.. my soulmate. Damn I love you so much. You're so fucking gorgeous."
Ashton put down the microphone and had a heart to heart with Calum.
"Calum Thomas Hood.. soon to be Irwin. Will you marry me?" He asked opening the ring box
Calum stared at the ring in awe

Everyone in the crowd started to believe they had a sweating problem.
"Calum say yes already god damnit!" Luke yelled
"Shut up Luke!" Everyone yelled back
Michael smiled proudly
"Yes of course." Calum laughed
He cried as Ashton slid on the ring
it fit perfectly. It reminded him of Ashton always feeling his ring finger as he was measuring it for years. As if he knew he would marry him and he knew the exact size.
Calum grabbed the sides of Ashton's face and pulled him in a kiss
Ashton talked in between the kiss also kissing back
"I love you so fucking much."
Ashton pulled him into a hug and everyone yelled
"Umm so can we go back to singing?" Luke asked
Michael wanted to say shut up Luke so bad but his best friends just got engaged so he guessed he could wait until the wedding.

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