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Saturday morning

Calum yawned as he woke up wiping his eyes
He touched the other side of the bed to see that his daddy was gone.
He sniffled putting a pacifier in his mouth
"Daddy?" Calum asked mumbling against the pacifier
When there was no answer he huffed and got up from the bed

He waddled out to the kitchen in his puppy onesie
Still no answer
He teared up
He was alone.

"Daddy not here?" He asked himself
"Imma make some eggs!" He giggled like he got the greatest idea ever
"When daddy comes back home he'll see I was a good boy and make bre-fest for both of us." He smiled to himself just at the thought

He opened the fridge looking for the eggs
"There they are!" He squealed immediately sucking on the pacifier so it wouldn't fall out
He grabbed them and walked to the counter

He grabbed a bowl and some salt
"I think daddy put four eggs last time"
He grabbed four and two ended up falling on the floor
He gasped in fear

"oh no daddy is going to be so mad at me!" He quickly ran and grabbed some tissues
He covered the mess and smiled to himself as if the tissue was hiding it

He grabbed two more eggs and successfully cracked all four of them in the bowl
He put some salt in the bowl and accidentally spilled a lot on the counter.
"Uh oh..." he looked both ways and shrugged
"I clean it up later."

He grabbed a fork and started to mix the bowl
"This is boring" he huffed
He went to him and daddy's room
Daddy always left him his phone in case he got bored

He started to play some music
"Twinkle twinkle little star" he sang as he mixed
He continued the song and ran to the stove
"Daddy told you not to touch." Calum scolded himself

"I want daddy to see how much of a good boy I am though I make him eggs." He smiled once again turning on the stove
He got a pan and put some cooking oil in it

He was proud of himself he remembered how to make eggs
Once he looked around the room and see he spilled his mix almost everywhere
"I clean it later" he reassured himself

He wasn't looking when he turned back around and his arm bumped right into the pan
He screamed in pain making his pacifier fall out
"Ouch!" He cried
All of a sudden Ashton bursted through the doors

He took it all in all the mess.
"Calum Thomas Hood." He almost growled
Then he looked at Calum who was currently full on sobbing

"Baby I told you not to touch the stove." He said softly running towards it and turning it off
"I-I just wanna be good for daddy." He sniffed

"Here baby." Ashton said handing him his pacifier
Calum took it thankfully and shoved it into his mouth
He made grabby hands at his daddy so he could carry him

"Baby I'm tired."
"But daddy- I got an ouchie." Calum said still crying his skin felt on fire
"You burned yourself?" Ashton asked seeing a red mark up Calum's arm

"Yes daddy."
Ashton frowned
"I sorry daddy" Calum felt guilty as ever
Making a mess and upsetting his daddy

Ashton finally gave in and carried him to the bathroom
He put some toothpaste on the thick red mark to freshen it up
Calum hissed at the touch of Ashton's finger

"Yes daddy?"
"I know you wanted to be good for daddy but you knew what you did right?"
"Spanking time daddy?" Calum pouted
"You know what you did right Calum?"
Calum whimpered when his daddy stopped calling him baby
"Yes daddy I know I'm sorry I pinky promise I won't do it again."

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