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*Trigger Warning: Homophobic Slurs and Mentions of Self-Harm*

Calum couldn't be in love with his best friend, it was wrong and he knew this couldn't be true. But Ashton made him happy, made him feel safe. But he was a fag, and he had grown up hearing about how you would go to hell if you were gay. The word "fag" kept repeating itself over and over in his mind, an endless cycle of torture until he couldn't take and he took out the silver blade he had come to know so well over the years. He started cutting his arm, everytime he heard the word fag in his mind, he'd cut, and he repeated this until finally, the voices ceased, leaving a broken, bleeding, and sobbing mess on the floor.

Ashton woke up to the sobs of his best friend in the next room and got up to make sure he was alright. He pushed Calum's door open, and saw Calum on the floor, bleeding from his wrists.

"Calum," he cried while running to the bathroom to grab bandages.

"I-I'm sorry," Calum said as Ashton began to wrap up his friends arms.

"Why Calum? What happened?" Ashton asked, trying to figure out the truth.

"I don't want to upset you, so hear me out," Calum said and continued when Ashton nodded. "I like you, a lot, like more than a friend should. But its wrong, and I hate myself for it now...Its dumb and you probably dont fe--" Calum was going to go on when Ashton cut him off with a kiss. They pulled away from each other and Calum stared at Ashton in shock.

"Don't be ashamed of yourself Calum, you are perfect just the way you are. And don't do this again," Ashton said, gesturing to his arms.

"Calum, i have liked you for so long, long enough to realize that i am falling in love with you, and it hurts to see you like this. Please come to me if you ever feel like hurting yourself, so I can remind you of how perfect you are. Okay?" Ashton spoke softly, trying to get Calum to understand, and was satisfied when the younger boy nodded.

"Now come on, we are going to cuddle until you feel better, okay?"

"Okay," Calum said and the two laid in Calum's bed, falling asleep in each others arms.

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