Cal's Proposal

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Right before the end of the last show of the meet you there tour Calum took his mic and turned towards the crowd. Everyone is confused including his band members.

Calum notices the confused look on everyone's face and just smiles. Cal walks to the middle of the stage and starts to talk, "hey guys, guess what?"

The crowd starts to ask what, looking at Cal expectantly.

Cal chuckles and takes a look at Ashton. "so.. I've been in love with this guy, you may know him as Ashton Fletcher Irwin but I know him as my soulmate"

Cal continues and tears start to form in his eyes. "I've known he's been the one for quite sometime now, I just didn't know how to ask him. But what's better than the end of the meet you there tour right?"

Cal smiles and Ash starts to tear up while Luke and Mikey start to cry while holding each other. Cal goes to Ash and helps him down.

Calum walks Ash to the middle of the stage, hands still together. Then Calum drops down to one knee and pulls a red box out of his pocket.

Calum looks up at Ashton, all kinds of emotions running through him. "Well mate, will you marry me?"

It's dead silent and Ashton slowly nods his head before saying  yes and runs into Cal's arms and the crowd starts to chant "CASHTON!" And clap.

Cal goes to Luke and whispers something in his ear. Luke nods and then the boys go back to their places on stage, Luke and Cal switching spots.

The Chords to better man start playing and Cal says "To my Soulmate, Ashton Fletcher Irwin." And sings lead in better man, constantly looking back at Ash through the song.

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