Facetime part 2

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warning: smut


Ashton quickly tore through the house looking for Calum, until entering his bedroom. He saw just the slightest bit of something shift under his bed.

Ashton chuckled deviously, "Oh Calum..you can't hide from me." He got onto the floor looking under his bed, as he suspected, there was Calum.

Ashton grabbed onto Calum's ankles and dragged him out from underneath the bed, and Calum proceeded to scream.

Calum was then pulled up and roughly pinned against the wall by Ashton, "You think you're so fucking funny don't do?" Ashton growled, his face only centimeters apart from Calum's.

Calum's breath hitched as he felt Ashton press against him, grinding slightly. "I go out to a party, and then you touch my fucking stuff, and make me come home." Ashton hisses in Calum's ear, and then leaves a kiss under his earlobe.

"W-what are you doing Ash?" Calum chokes out, trying to ignore the fact his best friend is grinding against his crotch.

Ashton pulls away from Calum and raises an eyebrow, "What? You don't like this?"

"No, Shit-..I didn't say stop." Calum wraps his arms around Ashton's neck and pulls him back, grinding up against him again.

"That's what I thought." Ashton chuckled. He grabbed Calum's hips, lifting him up and tossing him on the bed. "Now you're gonna see what happens when you mess with my stuff."

Ashton climbs on top of him, capturing Calum's lips in a kiss. Ashton then reaches down, to palm Calum through his jeans which results in Calum letting out a small moan, allowing Ashton to slip his tongue into his mouth.

After their heated kiss Ashton got frustrated and started to rip Calum's clothes off. Once the boy underneath him was completely naked, Ashton spreads his thighs and slowly starts to kiss up the inside of each one.

"Ashton please..please do something." Calum whines.

"You little tease, licking my drumsticks like that." Ashton hums, "How would you like it if I did that to you?" Calum moans in response.

Ashton smirks, taking Calum into his hand and licking a stripe up his cock. Calum whimpers, "O-oh god.."

Ashton purposely did everything slow and torturous to punish the brown eyed boy. But Calum couldn't take it anymore, he pulled Ashton up to look at him. "Ugh you have too many clothes on, get undressed and fuck me already."

Ashton's eyes darkened, "Don't you dare order me around again." He starts taking his clothes off, "I'm gonna wreck that beautiful ass of yours, now get on your hands and knees."

"Yes daddy." Calum replies with a smirk, as he gets on his hands and knees and sticks his ass up in the air for Ashton.

Ashton groans, immediately grabbing onto his ass and squeezing it in his hands, "I swear you're just asking to be punished."

"Maybe I am." Calum replies, looking back at Ashton innocently. Ashton lifts his hand up and brings it back down, harshly slapping Calum's ass.

The boy jolts forward with a moan, and Ashton repeats his actions. "You like this don't you? Me spanking you." he growls.

"Y-yes daddy please." Calum whimpers. Ashton smirks, loving to watch the boy beg.

"Please what?" Ashton asks. All Calum does is reply with a whine, "Use your words baby."

"Please fuck me, I need you so bad!"

That wasn't good enough for Ashton though, he slapped Calum's ass again. "And? What else?"

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