Cory's POV
I snatched the notebook out of Chad's hand and ran out of the classroom. I can't believe he saw it! Chad Dillion saw it! No no no this can't be happening. Why me!
I ran into the bathroom and locked myself in the one of the stalls. I sat on the floor banging my head repeatedly on the wall, wishing I could just curl up in a hole and die. I didn't mean to be drawing that but I was bored and my hand just automatically drew it.
I closed my eyes as just sat on the floor waiting for next period to begin. I heard the bathroom door open and heavy foot steps fallow. My heart rate picked up once the footsteps stopped in front of my stall and a soft knock echoed through the room.
"Cory? Cory it's Chad please open the door."
I sniffed. I didn't realize I was crying. "No, just go away! Leave me alone!"
There was silence before he spoke in what sounded like a pained, sad voice "please. I didn't see anything!"
I thought for a minute. Is he telling the truth? Did he see it? Or is he just saying that. Reluctantly I opened the door and stood there looking down at my converse.
"Thank you. Cory look at me"
I looked up at him "why'd you come and find me?"
"Because I was worried about you, you turned really red."
"Yeah well I'm find now, you can go" I know I sounded a little rude but I didn't want him near me right now. I feel too embarrassed.
"Well uh...can I walk you to your last class. What do you have?"
"Drama..." I mumbled. Looking down again. I feel really shy around him. But then again I'm shy around everyone except my parents.
"Great! Me too" he smiled wide and my heart stopped. I couldn't tell if it was because of his smile or the two words I did not want to hear.
'Me too' great just peachy! Another class with mister popular!
" Well then I g-guess we should g-go" I didn't wait for a reply I just zoomed out of there quickly.
"Hey! wait up!" he caught up to me and we continued walking.
When I got home I walked to my room and plopped on my bed staring at my ceiling thinking about today. All day after i walked with Chad to Drama I got stares from everyone. Some curious, others just glares. I was used to glares by now. When I got to this school in 9th grade, I was an outsider. I did make friends though. Great friends! but March 14th was when it all happened. The day my life became hell. The reason I'm alone now. The reason I have no friends except Robin. That day was the day my sister, Miranda died.
"Mom I don't think I'm ready for this, maybe you should take my place. What do ya say?" I looked at my mom with pleading eyes as she just laughed.
"Honey, it's not as bad as you think you'll do fine! you'll make a lot of friends!" she said with a reassuring smile.
"Hey squirt, you'll do fine. Just be confident and go in there and be yourself!" my big sister Miranda told me. She looked like me except blonde hair instead of black. She was beautiful. And I have always looked up to her. She was the first person I told about me coming out. I've only told my family, but Ive told Miranda everything. She was my best friend.
I smiled "alright big sis as long as you'll be there for me"
"Of course! What big sister would I be if I didn't look out for my little bro?" She winked and I laughed. She was a senior now. I was going to miss her when she goes off to college next fall, but I'll cherish the time we have now.
We got out of the car, said bye to mom and walked up the to the school. My eyes were wide as I looked around. "This place is huge!"
Miranda laughed "yeah it is pretty big, come on I'll introduce you to some people." We walked over to a group of people. They looked older than me but there were a couple who looked my age. A girl and boy. The girl had golden blonde hair that cascaded down her back in curls. She had hazel eyes and she was slim and about as tall as me. Which isn't very tall. She had a huge smile on her face as we got closer.
"Hi! I'm Patricia, but you can call me Patty" she smiled and held out her hand and I shook it.
"Hi I'm Cory. It's nice to meet you" I smiled. I looked over at the boy. He had short dark brown hair with green eyes like a forest. He was a couple inches taller than me. He had a small smile on his face.
"Sup' I'm Josh"
"Hey I'm Cory, oh you already knew that." I face-palmed myself and I heard a lot of snickering around me. I looked and everyone was starring at us. Miranda spoke,
"Hey guys, this is my little brother Cory. Cory this is Amanda, Daniel, Lucas, and Sofia" she pointed to each of her friends. I waved shyly and mumbled "Hi" they said hey and then them four went back to chatting.
"Hey you gonna be alright if I go talk with them Cor?" Miranda asked.
"Yeah I'll just hang with Josh and Patty" I smiles at her and she smiled back.
"Alright, see you after school little bud. Have fun on your first day!"
"You too!" she walked away with her friends and I turned back to Josh and Patty.
"So..." I swayed back and forth on my feet awkwardly.
Patty spoke "so what's y'all's schedules?"
I looked at mine "Math, History, Science, lunch, Drama, and then English"
"Awesome! I have Math and Science with you Cory" Patty said excitedly. I smiled.
"What about you Josh?"
"Uhh Science, History, Math, Lunch, Gym and then English" he said.
"Hey we have History, And English together. Cool" I said
He smiled "yeah cool. Hey I gotta go I'll see y'all later. Bye"
"Bye!" Patty said
"Bye" I said a little curious to why he had to leave. He walked away and all that was left was me and Patty. I wonder how this year will turn out...
Hey guys, I'm so sorry I haven't updated I know I promised and I didn't fulfil. I'm so sorry but I made this chapter longer and I made a surprise come like I said I would.
Next chapter I will be continuing the Flashback, I just felt like this was a good stopping point.
What do you think of Josh? (Chad's Bestfriend) so he knew Cory? So we are going to get into more of that next chapter. I don't want to give away too much. But yeah I hope y'all like it and please be patient. Thanks love yall!!

One Year, and He changed my life (BoyxBoy)
Romance(I'm keeping this PG-13) Cory Wilbur has always been the shy kid who never talks, doesn't have any friends, unless books count, and he's always been gay, but the problem is. He's still in the closet, he's so far in the closet you can basically see...