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Twenty years old

I'm in medical school with my best friends from high school

We party on Friday and Saturday- study like the smart ones on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

If I do say so- life couldn't be better.

But apparently- I spoke too soon.

Which is why my ex girlfriend just came in with a two year old baby girl and left her with me and the guys- swearing on her life that it was my baby.

And in her words
"I can't be responsible for her- the decision is up to you."

I looked to the blonde baby, sitting silently on the couch beside Luke- and I watched her eyes go to the door

"Mama?" She barely spoke adorably before I saw the tears coming.

I almost ran to her, picking her up quickly, shushing her as she started her loud crying.

"It's okay- it's okay." I breathed out, bouncing her lightly.

"Mama!" She sobbed out.

"DNA test- now." Calum declared.

She sobbed the entire ride to the hospital, not listening to our begs, not caring about our hugs and certainly not relaxing.

I carried her crying body into the hospital, her tiny hands gripping my shirt tightly.

The first person we saw was my attending.

"Irwin, why the fuck are you holding a sobbing baby?" She immediately questioned- raising her eyebrows towards me.

"I need a DNA test." I breathed out, seeing her eyes widen.

"Holy fuck- alright, come with me."

The four of us walked with her, her leading us into an exam room.

"Why are you crying?" She soon asked the baby, rubbing her tummy gently.

"Mama" she cried out.

"This certainly isn't mama, is it?" She spoke.

"This is a nasty boy- we don't want no nasty boys, do we?" She spoke- taking the baby from my arms, bringing her into her own.

The crying immediately stopped.

"Much better, right?" She smiled to her, and i swear I saw the slightest smile come onto the babies face.

"So, what's this babies name?" She asked, looking to me.

"Fuck" I cursed, reaching for the papers, quickly grabbing her birth certificate.

"Ivory May Irwin" I grunted out- wondering how the fuck she got the rights to put my last name but yet the father spot wasn't signed.

"Okay ivory, you don't really understand whats going on and I'm sorry about that baby" Tracey- my attending mumbled.

"But Dr.Hood here is going to get some of your blood so we can see if your daddy is who we think he is" she spoke, holding Ivory to where she faced Calum.

Calum didn't hesitate to draw the blood- and thankfully Ivory didn't cry, she only whined a little.

Tracey talked to Ivory, bouncing her and smiling widely- being a true child doctor in those moments.

Soon she handed her back to me.

"I'm going to her a rush put on those labs- don't do anything stupid.

I sat Ivory to where she faced me, and I bounced her lightly, watching her small eyes scan the room silently.

"She's two" Calum pointed out.

I nodded lightly, looking at all of her features- looking for anything similar to my own.

Mid looking- her head fell forward, resting onto my chest.

And I swear- in that moment, my heart almost went into sync with hers.

It was like that one movement made me want her to be my child.

Her hands went to clutching my shirt again.

Michael dug through the bag the bitch gave us, finding a pacifier.

I held it to her, seeing her open her mouth- letting me put it in for her.

Her head rested against me, her sucking her pacifier lightly, blinking every few seconds.

About an hour later- Tracey returned.

"You're a daddy" she spoke, handing me the papers.

I read over them- seeing exactly what she did.

"Where do you wanna go from here- I can contact an adoption agency-" "I'm keeping her" I declared.

"You are?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Yes- I made her, she's my responsibility." I spoke.

She smiled.

"A very mature move Dr.Irwin" she nodded.

"I do admit- I'm kinda proud of you for that." She finished.

"I promise- I don't think you'll regret that decision"

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