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I continued to flush the road rash- watching her fully sobbing into Michael as I did.

"Page Ashton" I spoke to a nurse

"I already did ten times it's not going to-" "then please go find him and get him." I stressed towards her- which made her immediately leave the room.

I was very relieved to get the flushing done.

I placed gauze over it before carefully wrapping her leg.

"Okay princess" I spoke, giving her some more pain relief- making sure it wasn't enough to knock her out.

"Let's let Michael look at this collar bone." I breathed out,

I held her body close to mine, letting Michael feel and look at her shoulder.

I knew the medicine was working when she finally stopped sobbing and was reduced to just hiccups and the steady flow of tears.

I kissed her head repeatedly, apologizing to her repeatedly.

"It won't need surgery but I'm going to have to set it." He breathed out.

"Can we please just wait on dad" she cried out.

"Yes princess, we will- I'm going to numb you now and after he gets here, we'll do it." Michael spoke, tucking some hairs behind her ears.

As he carefully numbed her shoulder area- I placed ice packs on her left ribs, knowing three of them were broke from the impact.

In an instant, the curtain flew open revealing Ashton.

"Oh my- Ivory what the fuck baby?" He spoke out, moving to her quickly.

She cried into him for a good few minutes before he pulled away to look at her.

"Jesus" he breathed out, scanning her body before grabbing her face gently.

"What the hell happened?" He asked me quickly.

"Her and a friend were walking somewhere and a car hit them- we have the driver also for testing I'm not sure how his tests came back." I informed him.

He let his head fall against her own as he closed his eyes against her.

"The paramedic did a successful chest tube which i'll take out in a second, she's got three broken ribs on her left side from impact, michael is about to have to set her collar bone and she's got some pretty damn bad road rash but other than that- she's okay." I informed him, making him close his eyes before shooting his head upwards and looking to her collar bone.

"No surgery?" He asked Michael.

"No it's aligned well enough for me to just set it." He spoke, making him nod.

Giving the medicine a few minutes to kick in, I pulled Ivory more into me.

Ashton held one of her hands, keeping his other on her side for a little support.

Michael shot the two of us a glance before starting a random countdown and doing it on the second number he said.

The sobbing returned.

Ashton held her as I moved- telling a nurse to get her an ICU room, because that's the point we were at here.

The nurse immediately went to book it.

Michael helped me get pads under her back- not wanting any excess blood from the chest tube rolling down her back.

"Please Cal- no more" she sobbed as I slipped gloves on.

"Baby- this part is almost pain less, I just have to take this out and then numb you for some stitches, trust me, okay baby?"

She held Ashton tighter, making me sigh

I felt like such a dick hurting her.

I easily got the chest tube out- applying some pressure to the cut- which made her whine a little.

When I finally got it to stop bleeding- I numbed her and easily put in six stitches- finishing as Luke entered- completely confused

"I saw her name on an ICU room, what the fuck?" He spat out quickly.

"She got hit by a fucking car." Michael spoke.

"And she's conscious?" He asked

"She's been conscious since the second she hit the ground." I spoke, ripping my gloves off.

We moved her to her ICU room where Ashton laid in bed with her- holding her tight.

I added more pain medicine- knowing it would soon knock her out, which is what she needed; some rest.

"How's Josh?" She asked, which made me grab my tablet- going under his name.

I scrolled through, finding him

"He is also in an ICU room, he's still unconscious but highly medicated and prepping for a knee surgery" I informed her, not seeing any other information.

"Seems like you took a little more of the beating" michael spoke.

"I was on the outside- I felt my body hit his, but then- it was just- downhill" she spoke quickly, her voice going a little sluggish due to the medicine.

"We had such a good day too" she spoke, her eyes dropping more and more as she spoke

"We just got a new stunt, and we were going to celebrate with milkshakes" she informed us quietly

"We can get you guys milkshakes for tomorrow" luke spoke, us all nodding in agreement

"That will probably make you both feel-" Ashton pulled away to look to her as he was speaking- but when we all looked, she was out cold

"How the hell did she stay conscious the entire time?" Ashton asked quickly

"She wasn't too lucky."

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