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A day later she was stable enough for us to move her out of ICU and into the normal care rooms.

Ashton took off of work to be with her all the time- and she was literally attached to his hip.

"I can tell it did and it still is scaring the hell out of her" he mumbled to me, looking to me as she slept soundly.

"She tell you anymore details?" I asked, making him shake his head.

"She told me about the girl who was the first one to call 911- she apparently told her not to get up- because she did try and stand." He spoke.

"She tried to stand?" I quickly spoke.

"She thought she was going to get hit again- she wanted herself out of the middle of the road." He spoke, which was a rational thought- but I can't tell you I would've worried about that after being hit by a car.

"Any word on the dude who hit them?" He asked me.

"He was under the influence of alcohol and only has a concussion but is behind held here due to dehydration also"

"What room." Ashton asked quickly

"Dude you can't go talk to him-" "who's going to tell me I can't?"


I figured out the room number myself- and I walked in, a male stopping me from going in.

"I'm going into-" "I know you are, I am too, you're Ivory's dad?" He asked.

"Yes- Josh's dad?" I immediately assumed.

He nodded

"I've been waiting to see you come this way- I've been wanting to see this prick too."

So we walked in together.

It was a man- probably seventy five years old.

He was eating pudding- watching a random movie.

"Mr.Randy" I announced- seeing his name on the board

"Who are you-" "we are the fathers of the two children you hit." Josh's dad spoke- making his eyes widen.

"I- I didn't mean to." He immediately spoke

"I was drunk-" "why the hell were you intoxicated and driving at four in the evening?" I shot to him.

"It's a problem man- I know it is, but I'm planning on apologizing to your children and I'll serve the time-" "what if my baby would've died?!" I almost yelled.

"Do you realize what she did gave to go through?" I stressed

"She had three broken ribs from your car hitting her, she has a broken collar bone, she had to have a fucking chest tube to pump the blood out of her stomach and chest- she had a fucking tube shoved behind her ribs while she was awake and fully conscious- feeling everything." I spoke, making my way towards the door as I spoke.

"She felt everything from the minute your car touched her- she never passed out, she never dosed off- she's still feeling the pain." I spoke, swinging the door open

"And it just might be enough to satisfy her- but an apology isn't going to do shit for me, because you could've taken my one and only baby girl away from me due to your careless and idiotic decisions" I mumbled.

"Sir please- let me speak" I froze, turning to him

"It's not exactly my fault- they walked out a few minutes early-" I laughed

"There's a place for people like you."

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