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"That's absolute bullshit- that's unacceptable, I can't fucking believe the audacity-" "you're using really big and mature words, it's weird" I mumbled as Calum ranted, making him go silent- looking to me.

"Baby, Why the hell wouldn't you tell us this was happening-" "I'm not being bullied Calum." I quickly spoke.

"They're calling you a whore Ivory-" "and it started today- they'd be over that in a week" I spoke.

"Think about this" he calmed himself

"Think about how much it hurt today- just hearing them call you that" he spoke, and he had a point- it hurt like hell that Ben himself called me a whore.

"Then think about how bad you'd be hurting if you had to experience that everyday for a week"

I looked to him, trying to act like I wasn't affected, but I was failing because the tears were welling again

"Ivory" He exhaled, focusing on the road as he drove

"I know you're a teenage girl and I know it's hard to talk to a house full of guys about things like this, but there's things you have to tell us, and this is certainly one of them- think about how bad this could've gotten baby" he spoke, his hand hitting my knee, giving me a supportive squeeze.

"It's already bad" I spoke- my voice cracking as the first tear fell out of my eye.

"It could be much worse, princess" He exhaled, squeezing my hand

"Just relax and let us handle this, this is going to turn into an adult situation much quicker than expected"

We got to the hospital- and Calum immediately asked nurses where he was.

"Just out of surgery- in his office napping I believe"

I didn't want to wake my dad up to this news.

Calum led the way into his office- quietly opening the door where my dad was playing on his phone- oh so convenient.

"I was wondering why the school called so many times and then didn't answer back- are you sick?" Dad immediately sat up, his hand going to my forehead.

"Ashton- we need to talk" Calum spoke.

"About?" Dad's eyebrows went together as he looked between him and I.

I sat beside dad's hip as he stayed laying down and Calum cleared his throat lightly.

"Ivory is in a sexual harassment and bullying situation- and we may just end up needing to sue the school." He spoke out.

That certainly got his attention.

They ended up calling Michael and Luke into his office where Calum told them the entire story- from beginning to end.

"Why the fuck wouldn't you tell me that a guy hit you- Ivory May." Dad spoke, making me let out a groan
"I didn't want it to turn into something big" I spoke

"Well look at how that worked out for you!"

"This isn't my fault." I declared firmly.

"You're right Ivory, but we could've avoided a lot of this if you would've talked to us the night it happened- you had no reason to hide this from us." He spoke back, seeming very much like my firm dad in that moment.

"Look at all this shit we have to deal with now-" "Ashton, this isn't Ivory's fault" michael chipped in.

"I just clarified that Michael- but she should've talked to us, there's no reason as to why she didn't-" "she's a teenage girl Ashton, we can't understand her-" "bullshit" dad cut Luke off with a loud groan.

"Ivory- you need to go to the attending lounge and let us discuss this" he breathed out.

"I can't even be involved in the decision of what happens?" I spoke quickly.

"Tell me what you would like to happen, Ivory" dad spoke- clearly more than pissed off.

"I don't want this to be a bigger deal than it has to be" I felt a tear slip down my cheek, because I knew this made Dad a hundred times more mad than he already was

"Not a big deal- are you fucking kidding me, Ivory!" He yelled, throwing his hands above his head.

"Stop fucking yelling!" I finally yelled back, feeling my headache gaining more and more strength.

"You know what" he laughed out after that

"Fine- whatever- fine, you don't want to make this a big deal, it's not going to be a big deal. You walk your little ass into that school tomorrow, we aren't doing shit" he spat out, standing to leave the room.

"That's not what I meant" I spoke quickly.

"It's not a big deal, Ivory."

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