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"She's weak and tired Ashton, she probably didn't sleep good last night, she still has medicine from the hospital in her system-" "that doesn't fucking explain why she's not speaking to anyone, Calum." Ashton and Calum argued in the kitchen.

"She's got a lot going on, we all do." Michael stepped in.

"We should let her process it the way she feels necessary we just need to stay close and make sure we all watch her, everything is going to be fine" he nodded, making everyone lean back in their chairs, rubbing their heads lightly.

We heard footsteps- making everyone fully shut up, looking to the doorway.

"Hi sunshine" ash spoke as she walked through the doorway, her hood over her head, shorts barely showing from under the huge hoodie.

"I'm twitter famous" She mumbled lightly, sliding her phone towards us.

We all looked to her phone as Ashton scrolled through, saving pictures of multiple accounts that called her a whore or such.

We all exchanged a glance, knowing what he needed to do

"I think- until this dies down, all social media just goes on a break" I fully expected her to yell and get angry

"Can you just keep my phone until it's over? I'm getting text messages too" she explained quietly, tears gathering in her eyes

"Yes, princess, I can keep your phone" Ashton nodded lightly.

"Come here" Calum spoke, scooting his chair back carefully, letting her walk into his hold.

And it's like that was exactly what she needed

Because as soon as she relaxed into him, she was crying.

We all comforted her, promising that it would be over before she even knew it

And just to make things worse, I heard the food before a loud "you haven't been responding to my text messages" from the familiar, Kate.

Ashton rolled his eyes, quickly standing to go handle that in a different room.

"And thay fucking bitch-" Calum cut Ivory off with a laugh

"Only one cuss word per sentence" he laughed out.

"No- it's no cuss words per sentence, actually. Watch your mouth"

"Fuck that"

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