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"Stop favoring that left side, Ivory." Michael spoke sternly.

"It hurts Mikey-" "I know it does- but if you don't start evening it out, you're never going to gain the strength back in it" he spoke quickly, making her sit straight into the kitchen stool- annoyance written on her face.

"I'm only trying to help you" he laughed out, squeezing her face gently.

"When will it stop hurting?" She asked.

"When you stop favoring it and allow it to adjust to your weight"


I realized that I needed to get better and blah, blah blah.

But honestly

I was on my second day of my period- which was my worst and most painful

So I was already in a physical pain, and now I have to deal with fucking cramps and every time I turn a corner- I'm getting scolded on how I should even my weight out, or how I need to wear my sling, or how I need to get Calum to put bandages over my road rash

It's fucking annoying

And they won't let me go out- because apparently it's too much of a risk for infection on my leg right now- which is bullshit to me

But they also won't let me have anyone over- and I literally haven't seen Josh since I got hit with a car, so it'd be nice to see him.

I was just so annoyed with them. 

I needed a break away from them- and I couldn't even get that.

I either wanted a break- or I wanted them to shut the fuck up about how I walk

Cause they certainly can't feel what I feel when I put all of my weight onto my left side.

"You need to walk some more" dad spoke quietly- I felt his hand hit my back, which made me rest my head on the counter, groaning lightly.

"Come on- lets go walk the block together" he suggested.

"Dad- I really don't feel good" I spoke.

"Come on- we won't be able to go do it once Calum takes your wrap off- let's go while you can"

"Dad, I don't feel good" I spoke slower- trying to make him catch a hint.

"You just need some fresh air" he spoke, grabbing my hand and pulling me gently.

"Oh my god- what don't you people understand about it hurts and that I don't feel good" I whined out- letting my hands go to my face.

"Princess, we want what's best for you-" "dad, I got hit by a car fucking six days ago and now I'm dying because Mother Nature decided to make an early stop- so please, just don't make me go on a walk." I breathed out, seeing his face process exactly what I had just said.

"Come here"  he mumbled, opening his arms.

I leaned into his hold, feeling him hug me tightly.

"How early are you?" He asked me.

"Two weeks" I mumbled.

"That's not too good" he mumbled, his lips touching my forehead gently.

"I love you" I mumbled into his chest

"I love you too baby girl"

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