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Calum grabbed a needle, gently poking her finger.

Her hand twitched- a result of the needle hitting a nerve, which told us she wasn't paralyzed.

"Your whole arm is numb baby, you won't be able to feel your fingers for a good amount of time."

He carefully started stitching her, moving slow- wanting no scar.

I held her tightly to me, kissing her cheek.

"Talk to us about it baby, get everything off of your chest so you don't have nightmares."

And my god- she did.

"I was in the classroom with people- he opened my cabinet and no one was there, the window was open- they all left" she cried.

"They didn't even take the kid, they left us to die" I held her close to my chest as she spoke.

"He led us through the halls- I had to cover the kid's eyes- there was so much blood and people laying on the floor- it was, like a movie" she spoke, a tear slipping down her cheek.

"And he did this because of Caleb and his friends" she cried out.

"They guy that kissed me and made me out to be a slut caused a kid to kill innocent people"

"What the fuck is wrong with people."

Calum finished, throwing a wrap over it just as she finished telling us all of the details.

"I don't want to dream it" she panicked as Calum grabbed ice, gently putting it to her shoulder.

"You won't Princess" Calum spoke- making trying to give her some relief, he couldn't assure that she wouldn't, but he certainly didn't want her panicking over sleep.

"Okay baby, lets get you to an overnight room, let's clean you up, wash your hair and get some sleep, how's that sound?"


As said, we got her into a room and paged Michael and Luke- afraid that they hadn't been informed.

My nurse, Carly came in to help us clean the blood off of her.

She obviously couldn't shower, so we basically had to use wet wipes and clean her as well as we could, and we all worked together to wash all of the blood from her hair in the sink.

As Carly rinsed her hair Luke entered- not seeing Ivory's face yet- probably thinking it was just a patient.

"Where have you been the last two hours?" I questioned slowly.

"The OR-" "ivory's school had a school shooter- she was injured but she is fine, she's perfectly fine." I spoke as quickly as I could.

His eyes shot to her as Carly helped her dry her hair with a towel.

"My baby- oh my god" he brought her into his arms.

"She had surgery-" "no, it hit only tissue, we were lucky"

We went through the same cycle with Michael and soon- the four of us were in bed with her.

We weren't letting her go, that was obvious.

Her breathing was slow- her heart rate was steady, she was relaxed, which is what I wanted.

I kissed her head gently, keeping my lips against her head.


She is the best thing you've ever given me and I couldn't be more thankful

Please don't take her away or scare me with taking her away ever again.

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