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"He isn't going to hurt you, okay?" Lane promised me, holding my face as we stood outside of the art class door.

"I'm just freaking myself out" I spoke, seeing him nod.

"Just relax"

I went in, seeing him writing at his desk, one other student in the classroom.

"Morning, Ms.Irwin" he nodded, making me smile back.

He soon walked past my desk, slipping a red familiar paper onto my desk.

"Lunch detention?" I laughed out, looking to him.

"Don't think of it as detention" he spoke.

"You have no reason to give this to me." I spat towards him.

"I do-" "you don't." I argued back, noticing that I ticked him off.

"Backtalk to a teach will get you two days, would you like me to call you in tomorrow too?"

"I'd like you to not call me in today." I spat, making him squeeze his hands into fists.

"I will see you at lunch."

"Oh fuck off" I mumbled, slouching into my chair.

"Make that tomorrow too"

I rolled my eyes, waiting for the class to start.

"Lunch detention?" Lane laughed.

"Today and tomorrow" I spoke, holding my bag on my back

"He doesn't know what he's gotten himself into"

At lunch, Lane promised he would sit in the hall and wait on me, telling me to call his name if anything happened.

I went into the classroom- more than pissed.

I threw my bag onto the floor- falling into a chair- seeing him looking at me.

"Want to enter the room again in a respectful manner?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"No" I spoke out bluntly.

I squeezed the pen in his hand.

"Come to my desk"

I stood, walking to the front of his desk.

"This new found attitude is going to stop here, are we clear?" He spoke.

He was talking to me like he was my dad- he couldn't do that shit.

So I didn't speak back.

"Are we clear?" He spoke again.

"What do you want me to do?" I questioned, knowing I had to do some sort of work.

"Ivory Irwin- you answer me when I tell you something." He spat.

"Who do you think you are-"

Before I could even finish, he was up and I was pressed against a wall- knocking any words out of my system.

Only shock

I could feel his body pressed against mine- making the panic in my body rise, but no words would come out.

"Not so brave now, are we?"

My thoughts were fucking right.

"L-" "gonna call your little boyfriend?" He laughed.

He grabbed my face- forcing it to be direct with his, holding so tight it caused my eyes to water.

I pushed with my hands to get him away- him never budging.

"Stop fighting me."  He spoke, staring at me.

"Lane!" I managed to scream- feeling an immediate sharp sting to my thigh- almost hitting my ass, causing me to only gasp louder.

"He can't fucking hear you-" he squeezed my face tighter, moving closer

"You're mine until 12:25-" "What the fuck!" Lane yelled out, making Coleman immediately step away, causing my legs to completely give our.

Lane put his body in front of mine- yelling as he held his phone to his ear.

"You sick fuck- do you realize all the shit she's been through in this school- now she has to deal with your predator ass!" He yelled as I sobbed into his back, holding him tightly.

Within seconds the principal and police were in the room, and Coleman was in handcuffs, saying nothing.

"Look at me, Ivory" lane spoke, turning to make me look at him, seeing his eyes scan my face.

"Call her dad"

Instead of calling my dad, the police took us straight to the hospital.

Lane carried me as I cried into him.

We went in through the ER, seeing all eyes on us.


I had just finished some stitches, getting relaxed in my chair as I saw the doors open, revealing police and Lane, holding my sobbing daughter in his arms.

What. The. Fuck.

I threw my chair back, moving to Lane.

"Panic attack?-" "a teacher- he was messing with her." Lane spoke- his jaw tightened, everything about his demeanor angry.

"What do you mean, messing with her?" I shot at him.

"I heard her yell my name- I walked in and he had her against the wall- his was holding her face and she was just crying, hitting him with her hands."

I got all the details that I wanted to hear.

I was moving her damn schools.

I took her into my arms- allowing the police to follow Lane and I into a room.

"Don't leave me" Ivory cried as I set her in a bed.

"I'm not leaving" I assured her, paging Calum.

There was two red prints on her face- clear hand prints.

Police took pictures- asking for more prints.

"He slapped my thigh when I yelled for Lane" she hiccuped.

After getting an intern to run to my office, finding her shorts, and letting her change, she immediately wanted only me to see it.

She lifted her shorts- showing a bright red perfect hand print on her thigh- less than an inch from hitting her butt.

I wanted to kill someone.

I felt my body heating up from anger as Calum ran in, more than confused

"I'm about to go to jail for murder"

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