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All the adults gave their kids space at lunch and the extra time.

All of the doctors stood in a group- watching for any sign of pain.

I watched Ivory, Lane and Dylan sit at a table with a few girls- them all talking to each other.

Soon two girls were walking past us- one clearly holding the other up- making Luke and I quickly stop them.

"She just needs the restroom-" one girl tried to dismiss, but as I looked to her face- I saw a face almost as white as a sheet.

"No, I don't think that's it" I spoke, and as I moved her to my grip- she fell into my hold, purely unconscious.

Luke and I walked her to the nurses hall- where we had all of the doctors set ups at.

We put cooling rags on her, hooking her up to blood pressure and pulse before leaving her with a nurse.


"You okay?" Lane's voice spoke as his arm went over my shoulder.

"Oh- yeah yeah" I dismissed, nodding my head- not even remembering blanking out.

My chest was tight- and I knew what that meant, but I dismissed it

I had been dismissing the feeling all day- I could continue to push it away until I got home.

"How about we go inside and get out of the cold?" Lane spoke quietly to me, making me nod.

We went inside, avoiding where all of the doctors were.

We stood by his locker- his hands rubbing my arms.

"I feel like everything is still here- like I'm going to walk into the halls and see dead people-" "I've seen the same thing" he nodded.

"I thought I saw blood on the window in algebra and I flipped out until a doctor made me look again, nothing was there" he spoke.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, seeing him looking at me.

The bell rang- knocking us out of our silent moment, making him shut his locker.

As we walked to our last hour- since we were seniors- I felt the sudden urge of needing more air, and I knew- my anxiety was tired of being pushed away.

I grabbed Lane's arm- stopping him from leading me through the large group of people.

"Bathroom" I exhaled- finding myself wanting to gasp.

"No- the doctors."

As soon as he had me out of the group, he held my hand, pace walking with me to the nurses hall.

By the time we were there I was gasping for air- my eyes watering from the struggle to breathe.

"We need help!" Lane yelled out, causing a doctor to immediately step into view.

"On the floor- sit and out your head to your knees"

I knew this process, but I certainly wasn't helping.

"It's not helping her-" "it will, she just needs to relax"

Lane crouched to where I could see him, his hand resting on my back.
"Just focus on your breathing"

"Get my dad."

It didn't take long- only one phone call and dad was running through the doors, falling right beside me.

"I know it's hard princess" he spoke, his arms moving around my body.

"My chest- hurts"


She was almost sobbing- her hands pressed tightly to her chest.

"Get me a relaxer" I spoke towards the other doctor in my room, making her sit up- pressing her head to my chest.

"Listen to my heartbeat, count the beats for me" I spoke.

Her hands squeezed my shirt as she leaned all of her weight into me.

He ran back it a relaxer and a wipe, making me immediately wipe the crook of her arm, carefully getting the medicine into her blood stream before holding the cotton ball over the spot.

I shushed her, rubbing her back as she cried.

I looked to her friend- seeing him wiping tears as another guy who had just walked in stood with him, both of the kids visibly upset.

"Why don't you guys call your parents to come get you, I think you've been here long enough today" I gave a nod, knowing they only had one hour left.

"If Ivory is staying we are-" "Ivory is going home as soon as I'm sure she can breathe" I assured them, making them immediately call their parents.

Thankfully as we waited- I felt Ivory's body relax, her exhaling normally instead of gasps.

"Lane and Nick's parents are here to get them-" Luke froze once he was all of us.

"A bad little attack" I mumbled quietly, seeing him nod.

"Come on guys, we can all walk out together." I spoke.

I kept my arm around Ivory, letting her walk although the relaxer was kicking in- making her more than tired.

I spoke to Lane and Nick's parents about exactly what happened- telling them to keep and eye on them before the five of us got into our vehicle.

Ivory leaned onto Calum, making him kiss her head

"You okay, sweet girl?" Calum asked quietly.


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