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We were soon crouched in the main office, which was the one way in and out of the school.

I could hear police, ambulances- I prayed that my dad was out there.

"What's your name" he spoke, never taking the gun off of me.


He nodded.
"You're going to talk on this phone- it's the police, they want to negotiate, I wrote it on a piece of paper, you answer their questions according to this or I kill you." He spat out.

"Are we clear?" He questioned.

"Yes" I whispered.

I let my tears fall as I scanned over the poor handwriting

I want revenge against Dustin, Caleb, Madison and Kate
Other people suffer if they don't.

I felt more tears fall as he handed me the phone.

"Hello?" I spoke quietly.

"Yes- who are we speaking with?"

"Ivory Irwin" my voice was cracking and shaking every word I said.

"Who's in the room with you sweetie?"

My eyes went to him.

"I don't know your name" I mumbled quietly.


"Dylan and a elementary student." I answered.

"Are you aware of any injuries?"

"There's people in the hallways-" I felt a sob come out, making him lift his gun to me again.

"Okay honey- keep yourself together and don't make him do anything stupid." He spoke slowly, making me try to contain my cries as much as I could.

"What does he want?"

"Revenge against Dustin, Madison, Caleb and Kate" I cried out

"If they don't suffer- other people do."

"Honey- put me on speaker"

"He wants to be put on speaker" I spoke, seeing the guy nod.

I pushed the speaker button, is both listening.

"I can give you what you want kid, okay?"

No one spoke

"But, you have to come out- you have to come show your face."

Dylan looked at me.

"Get the two witnesses- and if they come out unharmed, you get everything you want."


"I'm holding the kid-" "no!" I panicked quickly, knowing he wasn't getting what he wanted.

"Hold me hostage." I panicked, seeing him shrug


His arm went around my throat, the gun getting pushed to my head

"Walk slow, no sudden movements or I'll kill you-" "let the kid run out" I exhaled, feeling it getting harder and harder to breathe.

"Okay, get your ass out kid."

I watched as the kid took off running, soon jerked into the crowd of police holding guns to us.

"Slow movements." One cop yelled out.

His grip got tighter around my neck, making me grip his arm tighter.

"I don't have a weapon" one cop spoke- meeting us

"Not another step" he spoke.

He stepped again, making him cock his gun

"Stop!" I panicked, screaming out.

"Let's negotiate- release Ivory, let her go to her dad, he's right there-" "where are they" He spoke.

"They're not here" I let out a sob.

They just got me killed.

"Get on your fucking knees- face me."

"Don't do this Dylan-" "fucking do it!" He screamed.

I did as said.

I was shaking, the gun was touching my forehead.

At this point, I couldn't breathe- I was literally gasping for air.

"You get me them or she dies-" "we have more to offer-" "fucking hell!" He screamed and I panicked

"Stop!" I screamed quickly.

"You said- Caleb, madison and Kate- I know them" I sobbed, gasping for air.

"They bully me too."

"They call me a whore and a slut- they taped pictures of me around the school- they made me hate myself" I cried loudly.

"You killing me only gives them what they want" I sobbed, my eyes moving to him.

He stared at him.

"They won't retain anything from this" I sucked in air.

"They're bullies, that's all they'll ever be" I cried out.

He put his gun to my shoulder, crouching to my height.

"Please don't kill me" I cried.

"It's not that easy." He mumbled.

"It can be" I barely mumbled

Just as he slightly moved the gun off of me- I heard two gun shots and I felt a sudden burning sensation in my shoulder.

I screamed as Dylan fell to the ground.

Someone picked me up- running with me as people flooded into the area.

I cried louder than I ever have- feeling an unbearable pain.

I was given to a pair of arms, and I saw my dad

"Daddy" I cried out, more relieved than ever- he wouldn't let me die.

"I got you baby- we have you." He spoke, and I soon recognized the inside of an ambulance.

Calum was with him- they cut my shirt, painfully shoving gauze into the spot I was bleeding from.

I sat there, biting a rag Calum gave me and screaming from the pain.

"Morphine- but not enough to put her to sleep."

The room was spinning- I still couldn't breathe, I so badly wanted to pass out.

Dad took the rag out of my mouth, putting an oxygen mask over my face.

His hands held my head.

"In and out baby- slow breaths." He spoke as Calum put an IV in.

I glanced around- seeing my blood everywhere- all over Ashton and Calum, down my own body, it was insane.

"Don't let me die." I spoke

"You will not die."

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