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I went straight into school, shoving a binder into my locker before shutting it, making sure it locked.

I breathed out- continuing my walk to the stairs.

I internally groaned as I saw the cheerleaders coming down- each of them bouncing and cheering with each other.

And suddenly- one of the male cheerleaders grabbed me.

"Hello, I'm Josh, what's your name?"

I withdrew my eye roll, fully looking to him

"Ivory" I spoke bluntly, blinking towards him.

"Well Ivory- we are having cheer tryouts next week and I think that you should try out- you certainly have the body style to be a flyer and you look like you've got some sass" he smiled widely.

"Oh- I'm not interested, thank you-" "aw come on! Take a flyer and promise me that you'll think about it!" He almost bounced as he spoke.

I knew there would be no other way to get out of it

"Okay" I sighed, letting him hand me a flyer with a smile

"See you Tuesday- wear your brightest smile and your biggest bow!"

"Yeah" I laughed lightly- turning and walking away from him.

I shoved the paper into my back pack, rolling my eyes lightly.

I went into my class- sitting with my friends Bentley and Karen, exhaling.

"Why are you so late?" Bentley asked, looking to me.

"Cheerleaders recruiting for cheer tryouts" I rolled my eyes.

"They went to you?" Karen's eyes widened.

"Stopped me in the stairs." I spoke, looking to her- confused.

"Ivory- that's fucking rare." She announced.

"Well they can shove it-" "I think you should do it, you'd be a cute cheerleader" Bentley spoke with a smile- making me quickly flip him off

"Not happening"

I got home, throwing my bag onto the table- taking out my English notebook, knowing I needed to finish my essay.

I saw the bright pink paper- scanning over the cheer facts, rolling my eyes before throwing it away, sitting to do my paper.

"What did you just throw away?" My nosey ass dad chimed in as he entered the kitchen.

"Nothing important- which is why I threw it away." I rolled my eyes- hearing a snort from Luke.

"Cheer tryouts?" Dad's voice spoke.

"Did you really just grab that paper out of the trash?" I shot towards him, seeing him and Luke reading it.

"I think you'd be an adorable cheerleader" luke smiled, making me shoot him a look.

"Aw you're doing it!" Dad bounced.

"My baby girl- a cheerleader- that's fucking, adorable." He spoke loudly- which caused Michael and Cal to enter.

"I'm not" I declared- continuing to write my paper.

"Family vote- who votes that Ivory tries out for cheer?" Michael's voice spoke- making all four of their hands fly into the air.

"This isn't a voting matter- no, it's my high school time- I want to only do soccer and volleyball." I declared.

"Come on Ivory" Calum groaned, a smug smile on his lips.

"Do it for us- you love us right?"

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