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**Ugene's POV **
I just heard,my father got the news that Alexa wants to marry me.
Really!!! We have been dating just a week or more, not even dating each other we both were dating our own selves sitting with a stranger. What has she seen in me that she wants to marry me.
I was surprised, I thought she is a morden kind of woman who is strong to take her decisions and then take stand for them.
But she behaved weak in front of her parents. Ridiculous.

Now its up to me. I have to decide my decision. Do I want to marry her or not. I saw mom smiling wide when she declared the news to me.
She thinks I am already ready to marry her.

I shrunk on the idea of her deciding what should I do.
I moved motivelessly in my house until my left for office. As soon as I saw him leaving in his car I landed in my mom's room.

She was sitting in front of her applying some anti ageing cream on her face. She is usually into looking younger. I don't know what she gets by just showing off in front if her friends. Anyway I don't care whatever she was doing, I was just here to discuss something very important and I needed her time.
"Mom?..." I said tapping her door.
She looked at me in the mirror reflection and moved her eyes in gesture for me to come in.
I sat on her bed beside her mirror, she had her back on me, but I can still see her expressions in the mirror reflection.
"Mom...I wanted to speak to you about..." I started directly but unwillingly stopped at the word 'about'.
"About?..." She said circlinfg the cream over her cheeks.
I took a deep breath to gather some strength and speak finally.
"About my marriage"
"What is there to talk about, I know you are ready, " she said so casually, when I was not ready at all.
"No mom, that's the problem...I don't want to get married to Alexa" I said.
"Not with Alexa, then you must be having some other girl in your mind" she grins.

"No mom, is it necessary? I don't have any other girl"

"Then why you don't want marry her, she is a beautiful girl"she said with a smile.

I felt so irritated with her mentioning of Alexa being beautiful. Is it the only reason to marry someone. There are many beautiful girls in world, so should I marry any of them, without even considering whether I like them or not.

"No mom, I just...I mean she is not my type" I said trying to hide my irritation, I don't wanted to turn this talk into a quarrel.

"Then tell me who is of your type?" Mom said glaring her eyes at me through mirror reflection.
I had no answer to her question, I simply looked down.
"See son, if you don't have your eyes on any other girl, then you are marrying Alexa. Okey," she practically forced upon me with her eyes.

I was feeling so irritated with her words and no way I was able to calm myself down.
"Mom, its just I don't want to get married now"

"Then when will you be wanting to get married?" She passed a sarcastic question.

Her sarcasm made me even more irritated.
"My life I will decide..." I said and was about to say more but she cut my words in between,

"Well you live on my husband's expenses, you don't earn anything yourself to decide what do you want to do with your life.
What about your foolish gym it giving any profit? Oh well I forget that it is not even started...
So Mr. Ugene Romani what are your other plans? Nothing...its OK let me tell you, you are going to work in your father's company.
Well it means you are still earning on his expenses, that my son...clearly means only we can decide what your life is supposed to be, so don't argue with me. Go earn something, then come to me" she said flipping her hair like a teenage girl.
Her words were full of sarcasm and I wanted to tell that my startup would have been started a long ago if they were not pushing me off it. But I had had a several quarrels with her on this topic and I knew her answers. I don't wanted all that to start over again. I wanted to stuck to this topic of my marriage.

"That's it mom, I know I live on your expenses but that don't give you permission to decide my life. I had obeyed you always, but today I am not going to listen anything against me. This is a very sensitive point of my life and you can't just keep it all under your control." I forced my words, with my voice raised high.
She was looking in my eyes through the mirror and could see the fire in them. It was no way that I was going to let her drive my life now.

She finally spoke after a few silent moments,
"See son, I get what you said but you are thirty one are already late for marriage. Besides this people... People are talking about you being not married till now" mom said calmly.
This time her voice doesn't had any sarcasm in it, her words were full of concern, but I knew the concern was not for me it was for the so called 'reputation' of the Romanis.
Although her voice lacked sarcasm but I was feeling more irritated with the  word 'people' than any other thing that she ever said to me.

I felt a sudden fear and defeat when she mentioned that people are worried about me not getting married till now. No body in this world can question about
Anyway I can't let me lose like this.
I raised my voice to the maximum extent and shouted,
"You know what mom, do hell with what these people think and do hell with your fucking reputation... not going to marry anyone..."I shouted and left the room shutting the door closed behind me.
After coming out of the room, I felt like running out of this world to somewhere...somewhere...where no one can question or judge me. I was shocked at my selection of words that I used in front of mom, but at present I felt like fighting with everyone who is questioning my identity. I looked around but no one was there...whom should I fight now to prove my existence.

I ran upstairs and finally settled on the terrace. The breeze was warm and I coughed again and again. I felt as if the entire atmosphere is filled with dust that was chocking my neck.

Just then my phone rang,

" hello"

"Hello, am I speaking to Mr. Ugene Romani" I heard a lady's voice.

"Yes...speaking,whose this?"

"Sir I am Risha Ross, new Vice President of the Saint Andrews school" the call was from my  highschool.

"Yes ma'am, how may I help you?"

"Actually we are organising a reunion of your batch, and we wanted you to join..."

"Okey...I will tell if I can come or not" I said trying to avoid,

"Sure, I will message you the details of the event."

"Sure sure..."

"Sir, our President will be very happy if you join, he specially told me to invite his favorite student" she added at last and hanged the call.

I usually avoid such gatherings due to my consciousness about myself. But the mentioning of my President Sir by her has led me in dilemma, I still remember he always used to praise me and he was the one from my childhood who genuinely cared for me. He never judged me. I was eager to meet him, and this moment of my life, I felt a need for his guidance.

I moved out of my house to get some fresh air, just then I saw the message from Risha Ross,

'Date and time-22nd august Wednesday, 1:00 pm onwards.
Venue- Auditorium, Saint Andrews School.' The event was going to take place a day after tomorrow.

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