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**Alexa's POV**
"So's all going?" I heard Ugene over call.
Fuck!!!what does he want? I said yes for the marriage... Now what does he want from me?

"I...Ugene actually I am driving... I will call you later" I said through the Bluetooth speaker.

" let me know when you are free"

"Hmmm..." I murmured, my mind still can't figure out all the kind of shit going on in it. And  this call in middle of this confusion. I am feeling sick.

"Hey...what sound different?" He asked.
I could see Simon from the corner of my eye, of course she could easily listen what is he saying...well I guess so.
Even if she doesn't she could find out from my replies.

"Does it even matter?" The words came out before I could stop them, and I regretted immediately after speaking.

"What does that even mean? We are going to be married soon...I think it should matter" he spoke frustration clear in his voice.
Of course since my birth I feel as if I own this world, and I would definitely hate if someone would have talked to me this way...same goes for him. We both are used of getting respect, even if we know its fake.

"Ugene...Ugene...I am sorry...I didn't meant to..."I uttered and stopped the car in the middle of the road, huh! I can't handle all this...and if I drove more with all this call and crap thing going on, I am surely going to hit.

"Hey...Alexa... Are you there? What happened?"

"Nothing... I mean I will let you know as soon as I get free" I replied and buried my head on the steering wheel.

"Sure...see you then...I am going to hang up" he replied and I heard a beep sound. Thank god at least this call shit is over, at least no need to pretend and fake myself anymore.

I felt Simon's hand on my shoulder, Jesus! I missed it, so much was going on and it still is, I needed a friend. She is the only true honest friend.I am glad she is back.
I moved up and hugged her, we were disturbed by the freak honking behind us. I started the ignition and my car started to move again.

"Was it..." Simon spoke after few moments of silence. I knew what she was going to ask so I cut her in middle,
"No Simon" I said raising my palm to her.
I can't take all this at ones. At present I don't know what I expect from life. Do I want Ray to tell me that he loves me? And if he does what about that marriage shit of Ugene and mine.
And what if he says that he doesn't love me? Will I be able to handle all this heartbreak. I guess I have developed some sort of hope in me.

"Alexa...Alexa...stop!!!" I heard Simon shouting, and I realised we have missed the destination.
"I am..." I murmured.
"Its OK...we can turn around from there" she said pointing to the end if the road where there was some sort of space for a car like mine to turn.
I turned the car and I stopped where she directed me to.
I looked around, it was not a  very good part of the town, nor did it was the kind of neighborhood my eyes were adjusted to. There were cheap looking Griffin kind of few shops tattoo shops on the sand roads. I could feel dust filling my nostrils. There were no cars there only few bikes, and some huge looking windmills.

"This way" Simon directed me and we stopped in front of a small house. It looked even smaller then my pet's house. I guess my mom's birds have a bigger cage than this thing, I don't know how Ray fit in.
Simon knocked the door and I hoped it won't broke because of her tapping.
"Who's there?" I heard Ray's voice from inside.
"Its me Simon..." Simon replied from outside. This kind of welcome was  foreign to me. My house has a camera security system, and  watchmen who let us know who is outside and then we decide whether or not to let the person come in.
Any way I don't think the door is strong enough, even if he doesn't let us in, we can easily knock this door kind of thing down.
"Please Simon, I don't want to talk about anything" Ray replied from inside.
"He is not even talking to me, because he knows that you think there is something going in between us" Simon said looking in my eyes.
Does it supposed to mean that he loves me.
"Its me..." I shouted out loud enough for him to listen.
"Alexa" I heard his voice and in a moment he was facing me with the door wide open.
Oh god! I missed him really, although I was so angry with him and I  still am confused what do I expect or feel but his smile is sufficient enough to melt me. He has grown beard, and his eyes looked red, he looks tired. Does he slept for past days? Was it all because of me, even if its not about me I am sure no one can sleep in this small cage.
He was still smiling, I was at door when I noticed Simon had already entered.
"Please come in" Ray spoke delightfully.
I stepped into his small house. There was a only one room I guess, because all I could see was four walls with a small door and no windows, there was no staircase so its must be a single story house or to be very precise a hut sort of thing. The washroom must be outside. The room contained a single bed, a wall based almirah and a side table with some cooking stuff. How can someone love here. Just then my eyes laid on the guitar kept on one side. I wish he still had that job, because even if they pay him less still it is necessary for him to live.
We were settled on his bed, and he was standing beside the side table.
We all were silent, I don't what should I say.
"So..." Ray finally spoke breaking the ice.
"I am glad you came here...past days I..." He  paused,
"Yea...Simon told me what happened that"
I was stammering, I have been a very confident girl all through my life, but today I am feeling so nervous and confused. How weird is this...Love can make you so strong for life then suddenly so weak in a moment.
"To?" He questioned.
I wish someone could do the talking for me.
"Talk...I guess so" I uttered.
"Yea...ask you want to ask?"
"Well..." Just when I was about to say something my eyes landed on the table besides him, it contained a single packet of chips and an instant noodles cup with a small water heater. My stomach growled, I haven't eaten anything since morning, my mind was so packed that I didn't realised that I should have breakfast and lunch, although it still is but stomach has taken over the control now.
Ray noticed and I moved my eyes, but I am sure he must have noticed me staring at the only food available in this house, because nothing else is in sight. But I don't think so eating this would be fine, I will be home soon , and its not right to eat at someone's who has only has that much amount of food for all day that I can eat right now.
Just then my stomach growled, oh god! This is so embarrassing I am here to make lifelong decisions, I am supposed to be serious, and there supposed to be some drama like yelling, blaming, crying and finally hugging each other with a commitment to be together for life and see what the hell is happening, if the only one who is yelling is my stomach... I am sure I am pretty audible to every one.
"So...I think you should have some food" Ray said pointing to some food laying on the table.
" mean...I am here to talk"
"Well we can talk while you eat" he said placing the water on heater to boil.
"No.. Thanks I am not that hungry" I said waving hand in air.
"Oh really!!!your stomach just said you are..." Simon said raising her hands in air.
I turned to her to give her 'try to understand lady!!!'look.
"I think you should have some food" Ray said in a caring voice from behind.
"Or tell your body parts to agree with each other" Simon spoke from behind in a sarcastic tone.
"Fine!!!" I said ,annoyed of course.
After 10 minutes I have finished the entire cup of noodles and the only packet of chips.
We haven't talked anything till now, but I guess there is no need to talk at all.
No one can love me more than the man who can give me all of his food.
I am feel like crying...I wish I could kiss Ray , but I know my mouth must be smelling like roasted garlic, I just had garlic flavoured noodles.
"Ray how you gonna manage, I guess all of your food stuff. " Simon always has to speak something stupid in between.
" worries... I will manage" Ray spoke smiling.
This man surely loves me, I think I should break the news that I love him too...but wait...after it I want the things to be proper, like just after my confession he should confess with all proper words then we would be kissing with tears in our eyes. I think I should grab some mouth freshner before kissing him with my garlic touch mouth.
"So..." Ray spoke looking at me.
Jesus! I can't find any mouth freshener thing in my purse, I guess I forget to put it when I was busy getting all the detective stuff.
I looked up in his eyes,
"I love you Alexa...I really do" he said and in the moment I felt  I am melting in the moment.
I moved up to stand in front of him and immediately placed my lips on his.

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