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**Alexa's POV **

I came home tired, dizzy,unable to open my eyes feeling barly alive due to drinking. I somehow managed my way to my room without coming in anyone's view, I am used to hiding myself every time when I come home drunk, the clock showed 1 am, my parents must be slept by now.
I opened my room door. My heart skipped a beat as my eyes landed on mom sitting in my room looking at me with so many questions in her eyes.

But I was too tired to answer any of them. My legs were trembling, I danced with high heels and now my feet were swallowed, and ankels hurt.
I wanted bed at any cost.

Fine! I will text him, he doesn't seem a judgmental guy.

"OK mom..."
' was nice being with you today.
Looking forward to see you tomorrow. Tell me if you are free.

I texted him and looked up from my phone to mom's face. She was smiling and her eyes were glitter in her eyes,
" what do you want?" I asked awkwardly to mom.
"Just waiting for his reply" mom said blinking. She was behaving like a stupid silly teenager waiting for her crush to reply...Grow up mom!

"Mom...I will tell you ones he, can you please leave me alone...I am so tired and need rest" I insisted and gestured my hand to show her the door.

"OK," mom said rolling her eyes away.

I laid on bed as she left. I was neither interested in Ugene's reply, nor did I changed my clothes. Just removed my heels and closed my eyes lying like a dead body on my comfy bed.

Sunday morning...

I got up with a headache and moved my hand to pick up the home phone,
"Jessy, I need coffee" I said.
Jessy is my caretaker, since birth. My room's line is directed to her phone, every time I call from this phone it is directed to her, and she is always there to handle my tantrums. I strongly feel that only Jessy in this house who understands me. She knows all about my late night parties, my hangovers, my aims and dreams and my tomboy nature, yet she never judges me or tries to change me. She accepts me the way I am,unlike my mom.
Sometimes I wish Jessy would be my mom, life would be easier then.

I unlocked my phone with eye gesture and Ugene's message was the first thing that flashed.

'Surely Alexa...
But do you really had a great time with ME... I mean we didn't spend time together.

Anyways, I think we should go to some other place this time.
How about Cafe Symphony?
I am sure you will like the place. Reply when you are free.

Oh Jesus! This guy agreed for another date, when I don't to go with him nor he does. I thought the way the earlier date went he will deny for another date.
I am bound by my parents, I am sure he is too...but he can deny, because boys have this power, at least in my home.
I won't be able to see Ray today again, that means for a week I won't be able to see him. I have to wait till next weekend.

My phone buzzed,
'Hey Alexa...where were you last night? You didn't show up.
Are you joining us today or not...that guy Ray was asking about you.
It was Simon's, one of my friends with whom I hangout at Ray's club.

I felt sad. I wanted to meet Ray. But on second thought , I still haven't conclude anything about my feelings for Ray. So there is nothing to answer him. It is better not to meet him until I have an answer for him.

Jessy came with the coffee tray.
"Good morning Alexa" she said in a cheerful voice,
"You have a hangover again, here...have some coffee, you'll be fine"

"Thanks Jess..." I smiled.
She left and I had that powerful coffee. I felt a strength after coffee and went to the washroom.

I went to the dinning area for breakfast, but there was no one. Huh, I was again late for the breakfast, everyone else has left.
" bring the breakfast in my room" I told to one of the servants standing near the table. I was used to having breakfast alone.

I was eating in my room when my phone buzzed.
It was mom,
"What are you doing?" She asked without even saying good morning.
"Good morning mom..." I was about to tell her that I was having breakfast but she was so impatient,
"Come to my room..." She ordered in her usual tone. I know why she is so impatient and why she wants me now, she wants to ask does Ugene replied? Are we going for a date tonight or not? And sort of instructions for today's date.

I left the breakfast and went to her room. Before reaching her, I made sure that I replied Ugene that I am ready wherever he wanted to go, although I never visited that place, and had no idea what kind of place it was.

"Mom," I said and entered her room.
"Come...come sweety" mom was sounding sweet, in a good mood.
Dad was sitting besides her on the bed, he too was smiling at me. Maybe mom told him about my date.
"Dad and I wanted to talk about your date" mom said, looking at dad and he gestured in agreement.
Really!...are my dates are a matter a discussion, dates are supposed to be private. Isn't it sufficient that they are planning not only my dates but also the person I have to go with, that now they want to discuss about it.

"What's there to discuss mom?"

"We are a family Alex, we should share everything...there's nothing private among family members" dad explained me.

Really! family members should share everything, but they never share anything with me, neither my parents nor my brothers. Then why they want me to tell them everything. Its just this part my life has something to do with their business, that's why they are interested.

"Yeah dad...ask,what you want to know" I at last said because I can't agrue with dad. Although he treats me as his princess but this princess is supposed to sit quietly behind her crown.

We talked for few minutes about my date. I told them that I am going to see him today also. They seemed happy.
I closed the door to their room behind me. Mom's words were rolling in my mind.
She said 'I am so proud of you my Darling'
Really! it a matter of proud that I am able to impress a rich brat. Is this I am supposed to do, but when my brothers do well in business then, it is a proud moment.
The criteria is different for different people in this house.

I just saw my phone again buzzed, Simon's message flashed again,
'Are you there? Why aren't you replying? All you alright?
Are you going to join us or not? What am I supposed to tell Ray?

So many questions in just one message. I typed reply,

And switched off my phone for sometimes, I didn't wanted to talk more about all this.


Sunday evening...

I looked myself in mirror, again mom has selected a dress. I was not happy with this girlish look.

I picked the phone in my room,
"Jessy tell driver to take out the car"
"Sure Alexa"

I went to downstairs to leave for the Cafe just then I saw another car parked near my car, the door to that car opened and Ugene came out,
"I thought I should...I mean we should go together"

"OK" I said and entered his car,
He was playing Classical music.
I am not much fond of classical.

I don't know why mom and dad want to fix us together. Although it was mine and Ugene's second meeting only but I know we both are poles apart, he is east I am west.
Is business only matters for them, not me.

"We reached" I heard his voice and came back to senses.

The place looked old fashioned from outside.
I don't know how this weekend evening was going to be.

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