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two chapters in a row?! I'm writing a third one too, to make up for all the lost time. thanks for all your votes and comments i really appreciate it!

I got to George's house a few minutes later and saw them all hanging out. Max was playing a video game on the TV and Ian was using his phone. "Hey!" They said together. I waved and hopped on the couch. "I haven't seen you guys in a while, really missed ya."I told Max. He grinned and hugged me. "Where's George?" Ian asked. Just as I was about answer a voice piped in. "I'm here!" George announced. He looked as handsome as ever, with his hair cut short and he was sporting a grey t-shirt with some black jeans. I blushed as I looked at him. 'Gosh, Serena. You need to control yourself' i thought to myself.
The guys and I hung out for a while. We played Mortal Kombat, we drank some beer, we even watched Incredibles 2 (which made all the guys comment on Elastigirl's thicc body).
Max had to pick someone up from the airport and Ian had to run a few errands, so that left George and I to hang out for a couple of hours. It was just George but my feelings about him made me really awkward around him. Right after Ian left. I sat on his couch in silence, pretending to be interested in whatever was on the TV just so he wouldn't engage in any conversation with me. He sat down a few inches away from me and also stared at the TV. I could tell neither of us were interested because the channel that was on was Animal Planet.

"So uh..." George said. I turned in his direction. My mind buzzed with thoughts. Was he going to ask me a question? Was he going to confess his undying love for me?

"Do you want to watch a movie?" He finally asked. I was disappointed to say the least.

"Uh, yeah sure." I answered as I shrugged. George nodded and proceeded to fish out the remote inside his couch to turn on Netflix.

"Can we watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine?" I suggested.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "What's that?"

As those words left his mouth, I gasped. "You seriously don't know what Brooklyn Nine-Nine is?!" I asked him in shock. George shook his head in response. My eyes were as wide as a cherry pie. Swiftly, I snatched the remote from his hands and played the first episode of the show. The catchy tune of the theme song immediately caught George's attention.

a few hours later

George and I were howling with laughter over what a character on the show said. We laughed go the point where I almost cried.

"Serena," he suddenly said. My head whipped to him.

"You are...my Hitchcock." he says. My eyes fill with happiness.

"And you are..my Scully." I tell him back. We both laugh.

"So I guess we're two old fat guys huh?" He remarks, making me giggle.

"No, we're two old fat best friends!" I reply.

Suddenly, the time caught up to me. It was already 8 o'clock! "Oh, man. It's a bit late now. I think i'm heading out." I told him. George nodded. "I'll walk you home." He says. I disagree with him. There was no reason to walk me. I live down the street. I didn't want to be a bother to him. George was relentless, he refused to let me go in the middle of the night.

As we were walking, it started getting cold, and obviously I was freezing. He took note of that and grabbed my hand. I slowly turned to him, with a blush creeping up on my face.

"What? You're cold aren't you?" He asked, nonchalantly. I nodded at him in response. He was only doing this to help me get warm. Why was I having butterflies in my stomach then?

When we reached my house. I was a bit saddened to let go of his hand. I hugged him and went inside. As soon as I watched him turn around to walk back, I jumped for joy like a crazed horse.

"He held my hand, he held my hand!" I yelled, blushing uncontrollably. Screaming like this made me feel like a middle school girl, but the happiness made me feel like it was worth it.



That night, I couldn't stop thinking about George and I. I wondered what would happen if I went up to him and confess. Maybe he'd like me back too. There was something between us, or so I thought.

Was I finally going to do it? Yes, I was. I was going to confess right then and there. Immediately, I jumped out of bed with a big smile on my face. The thought of rejection didn't even cross my mind once. My brain was so happy, it couldn't think straight. The perfect possibility of him accepting my confession was the only thought on my mind.

I slipped on my flip flops and dashed to his house in the pouring rain. It was pretty stupid to do that but you do stupid things for love. The huge smile on my face never left. As the rain poured and poured my smile got bigger. Three knocks on the door, three knocks, that's all it took.

George opened the door with his tired eyes, he scratched his head
"Serena? What are you doing here?" He asked. I took a deep breath and slowly, stepped forward.

"I need to tell you something." I declared. He looked at me with a wary look.

"Uh huh..." George replied. My confidence went up a little.

"I just wanted to say tha-"

I was cut off by a familiar voice. "Who is that, George? Oh! Hey Serena!" Chloe greeted. My face fell. It was like, a Christmas tree, whose lights went out. My smile disappeared and my voice trailed off.


George looked at me in confusion. "Go on Serena." He said. Realizing this was a bad idea, I stopped.

"Oh actually uhh, it's nothing important you know..i-i'll be going now!" I said while faking a smile. He sighed and shut the door. I was now alone.Walking back my house. I felt terrible, like a gun just shot my heart.

I couldn't tell if the water on my face were tears, or rain drops. That was the only thought on my mind as I staggered in the heavy, pouring rain.

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