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"What the hell?" were Max and Ian's reactions to finding me on my couch sprawled out with opened food wrappers and trash all over the floor. I looked like a mess, vodka bottle in hand and my hair was so oily that you could see your own reflection in it.

My eyes darted to them. "Oh, sup." I said, trying not to sound sad. Max shook his head, "what happened in here?!" Ian kicked away at the trash, repulsed. I faked a laugh, "Been busy watching the next season of..." I trailed off to see whatever was on TV. "Dance Moms! Yeah..been really into that- lately?" I declared, though it sounded more like a question rather than a statement. "You're telling me...that, we're supposed to believe you when you say that you're interested in Dance Moms." Ian laughed. Max furrowed his eyebrows, confused, as he had every right to be. His eyes circled the room but a few seconds later he perked up, I swore I could see a lightbulb on his head.

"It's George isn't it." He said, almost as if it was obvious. My eyes widened. "Pssh! What? No! I would- uh nooo?" I replied. My answer seemed to make them even more suspicious.

"Yep, you're right." I sadly admitted. Max punched his fist in the air while Ian held a triumphant smile.

"What's wrong, dude?" Ian asked. The two of them swept quickly to my side. Max cracked open a can of soda pop from my fridge.

"You see, the other day, I..I went to confess to him." I started. I could tell they were both interested and listening intently.
"Just as I was about to say it he..he...had Chloe over." I sadly remarked. The sound of a can crackling started me. Max was unconsciously crushing the soda can, and Ian was shocked. I could tell both of them were angry.

"What. The. Fuck." They said in unison. They went silent after that. Finally after a minute (which almost felt like eternity), someone decided to speak up. "After everything she's done. He still choses her over you?" Max said in a low voice. Rage filled his words. Ian genuinely looked confused, "Is he..retarded, or something?"


"I don't know it's just. One day he acts like I have a chance! The next day he's running off with her!" I sobbed into Ian's shoulder.

"It's okay honey, let it all out-MAX GET SOME MORE BROWNIES." Ian said and yelled halfway through the sentence.

Max ran in with a tray of cake box brownies. I grabbed a few and stuffed them in my mouth. "Thanks for doing this, seriously." I told them, sniffling. Max and Ian hugged me tight.

"Of course! You're our friend! Why wouldn't we do this?" Ian cheerfully replied. The sound of the doorbell stopped this conversation.

Max got up to open it. The person on the other side of the door made him scowl.

"George." Max said.

"Uhh, hey. What are you doing here?" George said, he seemed nervous. He didn't notice Ian and I yet. "You know, just hanging out." Max replied. The repressed anger in his voice getting stronger and stronger by the minute. "That great, listen, can I talk to Serena?" He told Max. My eyes were wide. I looked terrible! What if he walked in and saw me like this?! I got up and ran to my room. Max, noticing my sudden movement, quickly replied, "I don't think she wants to see you right now. Bye." After that, Max slammed the door right in his face.

If that wasn't a total disaster, I don't know what is. Why did George want to talk to me?

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