Chapter 1- Just a dream

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Hey I'm Lana and I'm a school student currently in 9th grade. I like to read and succeed in all exams. But let's take this realistic. I'm not a school nerd you find in movies. Indeed I don't look like a nerd or act like one but anyway I'm pretty smart.

And today was finally the last school day. Last exam? History. I went into the exam hall took my seat and started writing and by the time I finished I realized the bell rang and it was finally summer time.

"Lana wake up it's your first day in 10th grade! Wow my girl is getting so big isn't she honey?" I heard my mom shout from behind my bedroom door.

Oh wait that was a dream ...September has finally arrived and of course I moved house.

"Don't shout like that she'll wake up grumpy...Just go upstairs and tell her breakfast is ready" my dad said.

Then I heard my moms footsteps getting closer and closer and I thought she was just behind my bedroom door. Wow her voice is so loud!

"Honey breakfast is ready" my mom told me. Did she really think I didn't hear that? Ugh.

I nodded and got up from my bed. I took a shower and dressed up. (Uniform ew.)

"Good morning dad, good morning mom" I said. They said good morning too as usual and then I got my brand new back pack, got my keys and went straight to the bus stop without saying bye.

I finally arrived to school safely and dragged myself in. The worst moments are probably the ones that you realize something good is over and you have to go back to normal, lame life. It's like reading a good book and realizing it's over.

Finally it was already mid day and I was starting to get used to school days.

I promised myself not to stress myself too much this year and have fun.

I got home and thanked it was Friday. Who even starts school when it's Friday? What the hell?

I got some re-caps but it wasn't a big deal. The big deal was next week.

I decided to go for a walk with my friend since her moms shop was just across the street. While we were walking we stopped at this bar and we had some food and then left.

It was already 7pm which meant my friend needed to go so I told her to see her tomorrow again and walked to this new street that went through a park.

It was almost sunset time and the fresh breeze felt so nice. I don't get people who waste their time online isn't life worth living and feeling all these beautiful moments?

I was walking when then I realized this well blond guy kept staring at me so as me being the horror movie obsessed I kept walking faster. But I wasn't scared because he looked about 17.

He tried to catch up with me which was weird because I didn't even know him.

And then great I realize the street didn't bring to my house so I had to turn around and face this "strange guy".

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