Chapter 17- Flowing back

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He didn't respond to my question.

Maybe he wasn't ready.

I can't judge this too fast what if something happened?

I doubt it though.

I got in his car giving him a dirty look.

I don't care if I'm being cocky right now but seriously who does he think he is? Is he even hurt I was crying because of him?

Ugh all this drama is all his fault.

"You look cute when you're angry"

"DON'T or I'll get out of this car" I quickly started.

The familiar scent started filling up in my nostrils.

The time at the beach. When I fell asleep in here.

When I told Zoe...

My phone started ringing.


Hell, I'm not picking up his call.

30 new messages. Chris.


"You said you'd tell me.."

"Do you wanna stop somewhere and talk about it calmly because personally I don't think here is the right place.." He said.

I agreed trying not to argue.

It's funny because we are both being so dramatic does that mean we care about each other?

I sighed.

Mark looked at me.


"Nothing" and I found myself smiling.

I was pure crying 10 minutes ago.

We stopped at this Italian place and took our "order". Back like last year, old times.

"French fries?" Mark asked.

"Sorry Sir we don't have them.. We make potatoes cooked in the oven" the waitress said.

Mark looked at me and I looked back at him. I hope my remaining mascara is off my face.

We started smiling until Mark finally said "Bring us our ravioli, cheese&ham, and a bottle of white wine then."

I hope he still remembers I'm 16.

"And a bottle of water please" I told the waitress.

Mark opened and closed his mouth a good few times until he finally seemed to understand.

Our order finally arrived and when we were eating our "cheese and ham" he finally broke the ice.

"You wanted to know right?"

I nodded.


"I stopped contacting you because I felt unwanted." He looked at me with sad eyes.

"What do you mean unwanted?"

"You know when you got inside the car your mom tried threaten me"

"What?" I asked confused.

"She told me if I was ever to see you again she would get the police on me"

"So you just got scared of my moms threats?" I kind of laughed. So rude right now.

"I thought you were hurt. Now you're laughing"

"I was. I thought you left me because well you know, a GOOD reason?"

"Alright. It wasn't just because of your mom"

"Thought so" I cocked an eyebrow.

"My dad was sick and I didn't want anyone in my life so I pushed everyone away.He is a very busy person and so I had to help him like a real son would do, you know? Remember when I was going to England the next week not with my mom the week before? Apart from my cousins, because he waited for a new medication. I thought when I met you why now? But I still tried to be friends with you. Then your mom threaten me and I thought it was destiny to leave you alone. I just have up on everything. I meant nothing to you until I realized how many voice-mails.......I'm sorry for ignoring you. I really am. I just didn't know how to or ..I know I chose the wrong thing to do. Hurting you especially and trying to win your heart and not even being able to" he said sounding stressed.

"I never drink at parties..I wanted to forget .. I always take drinking as a choice to forget my problems. My dad is fine now. He just had a problem with his liver....I met you again when finally everything's good and my mom and I are finally happy. I shouldn't have got drunken again, I did because I still thought of you. Big problem" he sighed.

Do I mean a lot to him? Did he meet another girl after not seeing him after all this time?

"I'm sorry Mark for letting you speak ..such a deep conversation."

"It's grand. At least you have your answers."

"You became so important to me in less than a week, Lana."

"I guess I have to move on because you've moved on" he said.


Where the fuck is she?

We are all preoccupied.

She's probably with that douche.


I decide to stop myself from looking for her and take a right to this little Italian place.

I need a drink to get things off my mind.

I shouldn't have kissed Lauren.

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