Chapter 2- Maybe I"m Lana

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"Hey ...hey hey wait... I've seen you somewhere and I was hoping to see you again".

"Ummm do I know you?"

"No but I do want to know you...what's your name?"

"Why would I tell a guy who kept staring at me while walking my name?" I said.

He laughed."You're new here aren't you? Nobody walks here you know?"

I ignored his question and said "Listen I got to go which way is the street to St. Clonet?"

"I'll show you if you tell me your name" he smirked.

"Alright. My name might be Lana what's yours?" I smiled. He was quite entertaining to talk to.

"My name's Mark." And he smiled too.

We started to talk for a while asking about each other. Why I was there, Why he was there, Age,School, and where I lived...

"I wanted to be alone for a while because my cousins from the U.S arrived and my house is a mess" he said.

"Aw that's cute" I laughed and smirked at him. I never gained so much confidence towards a person so quickly.It was very strange.

"Can I offer you something? Like a drink? Anything?" He asked. "Well I don't really know." I replied honestly.

"Oh c'mon if you want to. I don't bite."

"Fine. It's only because I want to avoid my annoying parents for a while." I laughed.

"But I got to go home soon anyway" I said.

"I'll drop you home, I have a motorbike" he said as if it was totally normal. I wasn't sure of that idea. But I knew I could just put an excuse and walk home myself instead.

We arrived at this bar. Well this town had so many bars. But this one looked I felt sorry for him buying me something to eat and drink and me not helping to pay.

"You could of chose somewhere more economic, you know?" I said looking at him confused. It was kind of fun doing that though.

"I don't need "economic places" and I ll pay for you because I am a gentleman"

I laughed after he said that.

We sat down at a table. It was really awkward because I didn't know him but I wanted to know why he said he saw me somewhere before.

" know the way you said you saw me before...where?"

"I was at the shopping here just 10min away and I see this beautiful chick with long curly hair with her sister walking so I said why not say hi to her?" He stated and I blushed.

He kept looking in my eyes and I felt so embarrassed for some reason because I was a shy person after all.

"I was hoping to see you again which I did and I was really surprised because when I tried to talk to you it was already too late. You got on that 39 bus and left. I was pretty disappointed at first but I never gave up on finding you." He smiled at me.

"Oh ... Well there must be a reason why you found me today Mark" I joked and took a bite of some delicious French fries.

"Well I think there is." He said and after that we started talking about our lives.

His life was so different from mine.

He traveled, he partied and had lots of friends while I was the complete opposite.

"So let's go I'll drop you home but first we gotta go to my house" he said. I agreed because it was getting pretty late and I was tired. I looked at my watch and it was already 11pm. Oh god.

He paid our "dinner" and we left and so I thanked him and appreciated him for offering me food.

We reached his house finally. His house wasn't an ordinary house. It was pretty enormous.

"Do you like my house that much?" He said. "Well it's pretty splendid" I smiled and he giggled.

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