Chapter 15- Party

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When I went downstairs I was ready to meet Chris's green eyes.

When he saw me he looked happy to see me, not to talk about our holiday on Monday. I rolled my eyes. Cocky move Lana, cocky move.

I wanted to be in my bed all comfy sleeping but I had to party with my boyfriend.

"She can sleep at your place or come back at 11 choose Chris" Sarah said.

Sarah was becoming like my second mother.

I laughed.

"Sleep at mine ...she forgot her pjs last time so she does have everything set" he smiled.

"I'm going camping with Dylan on Monday you fools" she said jokingly.

"Ye okay we'll bring you something from France" Mark winked.

"Did you write the story yet?" Mark asked Sarah.

"No but they are publishing a book of mine" she said.

One thing I didn't say, Sarah was a writer.

She always talked about writing books and while she wrote them nobody could distract her.

She would say let the fantasy drag you away from the real world and get creative.

A little inspiring.

I didn't read her book yet. I wasn't a reader type.

"That's cool" Chris said.

"I wish I never quitted dancing" I said.

Chris looked at me with sad eyes.

"You look beautiful" he said.

"Thank you"

"Ye you look like you're about to participate a race against me" she joked.

"Joking I'm not pretty" she said.

"Dylan has nice taste, remember that" I smirked.

So then we said goodbye and left.

In the car the song Right Here played it brought back memories so I changed it because it was awkward.

Why today was I thinking of him so much ?... I was confused with myself.

"That was actually a good song.."

"It's old." I said.

"Why so grumpy?"

"I'm not grumpy I just want to go to the party..."

"Okay ." He said

Car was only filled with silence.

We entered the house and Booty Had Me Like was blasting..

"Beer?" Chris asked.

I nodded.

We both drank 4-5 beers after a while and I felt my head spinning..

He said he needed to go to the bathroom so I decided to wait on the stairs.

Shawn Mendes - life of the party was the next song.

"We don't have to be ordinary ...."

And everybody started slow dancing ..

I wanted to cry because my boyfriend was probably throwing up in a random bathroom while all the couples slow danced. Ugh.

I sighed and watched.

Why was Chris taking so long?

Second song: Cody Simpson - pretty brown eyes.

Oh it was a karaoke.

Some guy with a good voice started singing but I couldn't hear because of the amount of drunk people on the way.

I went towards the dancing area to hear the singer better. I liked it.

Without realizing the singer sang "hey there pretty brown eyes what u doing later tonight mind if I spend time with you?" With a voice like an angel.

Everyone turned at me. Why was everyone staring at me.

Was the singer dedicating the- oh-

"Spend a little bit of time with ya?"

It was Mark.

The jerk who ignored me for over a year.

His eyes met mine and they sparkled.

I got out of the room and ran out. idiot .

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm asking you out?"

I slapped him right across the face.

He seemed drunk. Oh.


"You never replie-"

"Lana what is going on?!?" Chris said with a serious tone.

"Did he touch you?"

"God no!" I screamed.

"It's all your fault if I didn't come here I wouldn't have seen HIM!"

Chris took a glance at Mark. He looked confused, of course, he didn't know who Mark was.


"Were you cheating on me?" Her boyfriend said. I chuckled.

I only dedicated a song to a girl I haven't seen for long.

"What? Chris why would you think that?" Lana said. Oh so his name was Chris.

She threw a drink she found behind her in his face.

"Lana I'm so sorry I- I- don't know what's going on ...please tell me why did you slap him?" He said, pleading.

I was just here watching them with a hand on my face with no expression at all.

"I sla-"

And she burst into tears. Did I really hurt her this much?

"Lana we're over. Tell me why or we're done" he said angrily.

Lana didn't say anything ... She just turned her heels and left.

"Lana don't go" he sighed.

"Who are you?" He said.

He took the collar of my shirt and repeated the question


Was he angry he was going to get his ass whooped by Lana's mom?

"Leave Mark alone, get out of my party" Lauren said.

"It's not your party you little slut" he said.

"CHRIS" I smirked.

"Get out of here" I smirked again and pushed his hand away.

Chris being polite left since all of is tried to get him out.

I heard him trying to make a call on his phone maybe to hear from Lana.

Oh shit, Lana.

"I got to go, I'll be back soon" I told Lauren, got my cars keys and left.

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