Michael and Henry sit in chairs sleeping while a doctor looks in the room and walks away while writing on a clipboard. Michael's phone begins vibrating. Luke's heart monitor beeps rapidly as the power in the building begins going haywire, Michael's phone warns her about five percent on it. Doctors and nurses rush in while Michael and Henry wake up and rush to his side, Luke's body begins jerking around again as the lights above them flicker on and off quickly. The phone's battery drops to four percent then three then two then one. When the phone died Luke's body stopped moving, his heart monitor flatlines, the nurses pull Michael away from Luke as Michael cries out Luke's name. Luke's body begins vibrating until he turned into a blur with a human inside, his eyes had a green electricity burst through them. Michael calls his name again, Luke sits up slowly as everyone in the room looked at Luke in fear and worry.
Michael Harris- (Calmly) "Luke?"
Luke looked around the room as his body stopped vibrating, he looked at Michael and pulled the covers off of him. As he placed his hand on the metal hand railing on the side of the bed a massive burst of energy blew up off of Luke's body short-circuiting the power in the hospital for a moment.
Doctor- "We must've had a transformer blow out somewhere."
The power comes back on as Henry turns on the TV. On the news, a man and a woman sat at a desk. "Sorry for that ladies and gentlemen, it seems that the entire east coast just had a huge blackout, Scientist is telling us right now that the source of the blackout is unknown more on the situation later tonight." The man said. Everyone in the room looks at Luke who's lying back in the bed sleeping, the heart monitor gives off a steady beep. The doctors and nurses sigh in relief and begin making their way out of the room. Michael stands over Luke as his eyes begin opening.
Luke Harris- (Softly) "Michael?"
Michael Harris- "Yes honey, it's me."
Luke Harris- "I'm hungry."
Michael Harris- "We'll get you something to eat, ok?"
Luke Harris- (Sitting up) "What happened? The last thing I remember was I got hit by lightning and fell. I thought I was dead. (Michael hugs him) I saw our past."
Michael Harris- "It's Ok, you're ok. (Looks at Luke) You need to tell Lia that you're Ok."
Luke Harris- (Getting out of the bed) "Let's go."
Luke stands up seeing Henry and shakes his hand giving off a static shock.
Henry Jordans- (Shaking Luke's hand) "Welcome back Mr. Harris."
Luke Harris- (Shaking Henry's hand) "It feels good to be back."
Michael Harris- "We need to tell Lia, Luke."
Luke, Henry, and Michael walk into the hallway and head to the elevator. Inside the elevator, Luke, Henry, and Michael stand looking at the door as a group of doctors and nurses enter. The elevator goes up a level while everyone goes quiet. On the fourth floor, Luke, Michael, and Henry get off and walk to the room Lia was in. The heart monitor was beeping at a steady pace. Lia on the bed slept with a stuffed giraffe and a stuffed penguin next to her. Luke sits on the bed next to his sleeping daughter and strokes her cheek with his hand. Lia's eyes open and look at Luke.
Lia Harris- "Daddy?"
Luke Harris- "Yes, Lia. Daddy's here."
Lia Harris- "Why did it take so long for you to see me?"
Luke Harris- "Daddy um... Daddy was sick and needed to see a doctor for a little while."
Lia Harris- (Her eyes close slowly while trying to smile) "I love you daddy."
ActionDuring a genocide in Rwanda, Takka (Luke Harris) an 11-year-old-boy, runs from danger only to be stopped by a shadow that moves faster than anything the world has ever seen. 23 years later, Luke, who is now an electrician, discovers a whole new worl...