Scene 11 "A new problem"

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{The Hospital, Earth}

In the elevator, Kevin Strong and two bodyguards load handguns and hide them in the back of their pants. Lia sits in her bed as Michael reads a book to her. Kevin and his guards walk down the hallway and enter Lias room closing the door and the blinds, Michael stands up in worry as Kevin aims a gun at her. She sits down on the bed.

Kevin Strong- "Where is he?"

Michael Harris- (In worry) "Who?"

Kevin Strong- "Don't play dumb with me. Now, where's your husband?"

Michael Harris- "I..."

Kevin Strong- "Don't lie to me or I'll shoot you."

Michael Harris- "I don't know, after he was struck by the lightning he woke up and was able to run very fast. Then some guy took him to a place called the Speed Kingdom to save the Multiverse."

Kevin Strong- "Wow, you'll say the stupidest lie to protect the man that cheated me on my power at my casino."

Aims the gun at her.

Kevin Strong- "Sorry I guess the whole family will have to die."

Henry walks out of the bathroom and sees Kevin aiming the gun at Michael.

Michael Harris- (Points at Henry) "Henry saw the whole thing, he can confirm it."

Kevin Strong- (Turns and aims the gun at Henry) "Ok tell me the truth and I won't kill you all. Where is Luke Harris?"

Henry Jordans- "He was struck by the lightning he woke up and was able to run very fast. Then some guy took him to a place called the Speed Kingdom to save the Multiverse."

Kevin Strong- "Whatever, when you see him tell him I'm looking for him and he knows where to find me."

Kevin and his men walk out of the room while Henry rushes to check on Lia and Michael.


Luke lies in a bed while Alina, Comet, and Accelerate watch over him while Hyperdrift watches a monitor. Luke opens his eyes and looks around the room before moving the blanket.

Luke Harris- (Groans) "What happened?"

Alina- (Looks at Luke) "Tuhan broke several vertebrae in your spine, if you weren't so fast at healing you wouldn't ever walk again."

Accelerate- "How do you feel?"

Luke Harris- (Wiggles toes) "Well I can move my feet again so that's good."

Comet- "So the legend of the speed king is real?"

Hyperdrift- (Looking at the monitor while walking to Luke) "well I got some good news and some bad news."

Luke Harris- "What's the good news?"

Hyperdrift- "You can walk again."

Accelerate- "And the bad news?"

Hyperdrift- "You probably won't be able to run for another twelve hours. (Grits teeth nervously)"

Luke lies back in the bed while Comet gets angry.

Comet- "Great, just great. The one speedster that has a chance at beating that monster can't run for shit right now."

Comet begins walking away while everyone looks at her.

Accelerate- "Where are you going?"

Comet- (At the doorway) "To find some liquor."

Comet walks into the hallway.

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