Back At Raizada Mansion

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Skyline Apartments, New Delhi

2.30 pm

Meeting with Payal and Ayaan had been wonderful. The sisters had lot to catch up and Ayaan being the adorable kid he is had Khushi wrapped around his fingers within seconds. Khushi couldn't help but wish that she had brought Hiya with her to meet jiji. Even Payal was a bit disappointed on not finding Hiya. But Arhan had taken her out for a uncle-niece day out and Payal nodded understanding.

Arnav had met her at Payal's dabba office and explained what happened at RM. With an hour of persuasion from Arnav and Payal and with Arhan and papa ji permission, Khushi decided to move into Raizada mansion, now that Anjali and mami are gone.

Khushi looked at her daughter who was sitting on the bed, frowning at her mother's packed suitcase. She clutched her doll and looked at her mother asking, "Wer we gong? (Where are we going?)"

Khushi sighed and sat next to her and caressed her hair. "You remember Ayaan? Baby Ayaan?"

"Ayaan" Hiya squealed happily and nodded.

"We're going to live with them" Khushi said softly.

Hiya looked at her with her eyes twinkling with happiness. "Me play wit Ayaan? (I can play with Ayaan?)"

"Yes you can!" Khushi said smiling and ruffled her hair. Hiya giggled and bounced on the bed happily.

Khushi took a deep breath, preparing herself to speak.

"Hiya baby" she said softly and Hiya looked at her.

"You asked me about your papa right?" she said slowly and Hiya perked up at the word papa. She nodded her head and looked at her mother curiously.

"You know Arnav? You call him Annav" Khushi said gulping. Hiya frowned and nodded. What has Annav to do with papa?

"He is your papa" Khushi said slowly and looked at her daughter for her reaction.

Hiya sat still frowning over the words. She clutched the hand of her doll and asked innocently, "Annav my papa?"

Khushi nodded and Hiya said, "So he not Annav. Annav papa. (So he is not Annav. Annav is papa!)"

Khushi nodded and Hiya frowned, "Papa wer for lon time? (Where was papa for this long time?)"

Khushi gulped not knowing what to answer but then Arhan walked in saving her from a reply.

"All packed?" he asked and bent down to Hiya. He nuzzled his nose on hers and she giggled. "Mamu" she squealed and wrapped her arms around his neck. Arhan scooped her in his arms and kissed her cheeks. He looked at Khushi and asked, "All set to go?"

Khushi nodded nervously.

"Mamu we livin wit Ayaan and papa! (Mamu we're gonna live with Ayaan and papa)" Hiya squealed.

"Not we dear" Arhan said smiling, "You and your mamma is gonna live with them"

"And you?" Hiya asked shocked.

"I'll stay here" Arhan said.

Hiya looked at her Khushi shocked and the next moment burst into tears. "Hiya no go! Hiya with mamu!" she cried loudly and cuddled into Arhan.

"Hiya" Arhan cooed and patted her back. The girl sobbed and clinged on to her uncle while Khushi sighed. She knew this would be hard. Hiya was very much attached to Arhan and being away from him would hurt her bad!

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