Time Is The Best Healer

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One week later


Raizada Mansion, New Delhi

4.30 pm


"Iyaa...Iyaa..." Ayaan called out and patted Hiya's hands. Hiya smiled as she caressed the teddy bear's soft head and looked at the baby boy.

He buried his face in the teddy bear and Hiya laughed out loud.

Everyone smiled at the scene. The whole family was sitting in the living room having the evening tea when Akash walked home with a new teddy bear for the kids. From then Ayaan hadn't left his clutch from the brown teddy's hands. He had been burying his face up and down the teddy's stomach making everyone laugh.

"Wo bhai had called" Khushi said gaining everyone's attention. "He said he and Anjali are getting married tomorrow"

"Tomorrow?" everyone asked shocked.

"Ha...it's a court wedding. He doesn't want any function" she said slowly.

Everyone hummed and looked down to the tea.

"He asked whether we're attending" Khushi spoke again and everyone looked at her.

"She had called me" Arnav said and everyone looked at him.


"Informed me about the wedding. Requested me to come" he said slowly.

Khushi looked at nani who was looking down to the tea.

"I know you want to go nani ji" she said and nani looked at her, "You don't have to hide it because of me."

"Nahi bitiya it's not..."

"I know that you still have a soft corner for her. Of course you will, she is your granddaughter. Yet you chose me over her. That's so great about you nani ji" Khushi said smiling, "And if you want to go for your granddaughter's wedding, I'm no one to stop you. You don't have to be scared of my reaction"

"I cannot forgive her for what she did with you" Nani said sadly, "I never thought she would do it. But...I still cannot hate her...I..."

"It's okay you don't have to explain" Khushi said smiling.

"So are we going?" Payal asked everyone.

"We should go" Khushi said nodding her head.

Arnav took a deep breath and nodded.







"Congratulations" Arnav said to Anjali as they all walked out of the courtroom.

Anjali smiled and Arnav said, "What a beautiful life you have! You always get your happiness"


"No. Don't" Arnav said looking away.

Anjali took a deep breath and said, "What should I do to get your forgiveness?"

"Nothing. Do nothing. Just stay away" Arnav said slowly.

Anjali sighed and Arnav said, "I need time. I don't know whether I can forgive you or not. May be I will, later, but not right now."

She nodded looking down and he said, "Since our parents' death I've lived to give you a better life. Despite being the younger I took the burden on my shoulders. I did everything I can for you. Just for you! I even went to the extent of ruining Khushi's life so that your marriage won't get broken. I loved you so much di"

Anjali nodded in tears and Arnav whispered, "And what did you do? You wanted to take away my child! Not once did you think about me!"

"I'm so sorry...mein..."

"I know...you were blinded by Shyam and you're guilty. You feel terrible. I know. But...not everything can be forgiven. Not everything can be forgotten. It requires time. So give me some time. For then, don't come before me!"

"Chotte ..."

"If you're truly sorry...go away from my life" Arnav said in tears.


"Please...please" Arnav whispered and walked away.

Arhan looked at Khushi from where they were standing, a few metres away, listening to their conversation.

Khushi looked at him and nodded. Arhan walked to Anjali and Khushi walked away to Arnav.

"It's okay" he said wrapping an arm around her. Anjali wiped her tears and nodded.

"He'll come around. Just give him some time" he said.

"I've hurt many people haven't I?" she whispered.

Arhan hummed and Anjali looked at him, "Will Arnav and Khushi ever forgive me?"

"They will but I don't know when" Arhan said honestly. Anjali took a deep breath and nodded.

He held her close and said, "It's a new beginning Anjali. For us, as well as for Arnav and Khushi. I think we should forget the past and look forward."

"How can I?" Anjali said in tears, "How can I forget it? I've hurt them all so much that they don't even look at me! They are my family and I've betrayed them all!"

"They will come around" Arhan said firmly, "But as I said, it needs time. Time is the best healer. They need some space. Give them that. After that they'll come back. Till then believe in time!"



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