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Shoot. Shootshootshoot. I tried my best to contain the overflowing cauldron but it was no use. Hopelessly I flipped through the potions book I had been studying from, trying to pinpoint my mistake. Unfortunately, 7th year books were a bit on the vague side. Inferring next steps or something.

As I ran a hand through my hair I looked up to see Professor Greyslade glaring down on my pityingly.

"Having trouble, Ms. Weasley? If you would, I'd like a word after class." He told me bluntly. I sighed quietly as he walked away, cursing myself.

I had excelled in schoolwork before the war. But after the death of my brother, I fell behind. Now, I could barely make a potion anymore.

I whisked my mess away with a heavy cleaning spell, finishing only seconds before the class ended. I gathered my things slowly and waited for the room to clear before walking slowly to the front of the classroom.

"Professor?" I started meekly. "You asked to see me?" He replied in a strong but sympathetic voice.

"I've noticed you struggling, Ginny. I know the war was difficult, but you seem to have had an especially hard time bouncing back." He put his hand up to stop me from replying.

"I want you to be tutored. For my class, anyway. I want you to see one of the students from the new 8th year. I didn't approve of changing from 7 year grades, but it's given 7th years from last year a chance to repeat and learn what they missed, and a chance for younger students to be taught. So, what do say?" Greyslade finished with a sigh. I nodded slowly.

"A-alright. I suppose that sounds fine." I told him.

"Perfect! I'll set you up with Mr. Malfoy right away!" My eyes widened.

"Wait, Mal-" I stuttered.

"Off to class now, Ms. Weasley. I'll see that you have your first session by the end of the day."

And so there I was, 10 minutes late to Professor Hagrid's lesson on merpeople and a small feeling of dread as I trudged there.

Obsessed // DrinnyWhere stories live. Discover now