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Ugh life has me strESSED. So congrats, you get terrible fanfiction now lol. I have very little ideas so this will probably be like 2 or 3 more parts before it ends. Hope you like, jelllies!

I sat on my four-post bed, a book spread out in front of me. Sitting criss-cross, I hunched over the book, attempting to absorb at least some of the information about charms it contained. Suddenly, the book was snatched from where it was flipping the pages itself. My head snapped up to find Goyle smirking as he stared down at me.

"Shame you're traitor, Malfoy, but now we get to have some fun." Two more Slytherins, 7th years I think, emerged from behind the door, copying Goyle's menacing stance. Then everything was lightning fast.

The first of the two pulled me from from my position on the bed, where I sprawled onto the floor. The other pulled me up with as much force, but not before a hard kick in my gut, knocking the wind out of me and making me nearly defenseless. I glanced at the bed where my wand was, seconds before a fist came flying towards my face. Everything seemed to go even faster after that. I was slammed into a wall, punches constantly hitting my stomach. Groaning, I slumped to the floor, where my arms and legs were littered in kicks.

I stayed balled up for a long time, long after three pairs of feet had left, long after the sun had set and the room had gone pitch black. It wasn't until my roommate, Theo, returned to our room that I was brought to my feet. My face was swollen, and I could feel each and every bruise, I knew that much, but upon inspection in the mirror, I learned my light hair was matted in blood, and several cuts on the faded Dark Mark on my forearm.

I closed my eyes, and for the first time in hours I thought of Ginny. I felt foolish, not thinking of her before. She probably felt abandoned. Suddenly I felt an overwhelming amount of guilt. Picking up my wand, I tried my best to fix the wounds that weren't magically inflicted. Sighing, I pulled my robe on the over my arm and settled my hair gently, because of the stinging cut near the back of my skull.

Quietly, I sneaked past a snoring Theo and into the corridor. 

It was dark, and quiet. My idea was stupid, but still I had to try. I had only produced a patronus one or twice before. Not enough happy memories, I guess. This time though, I let the memory of Ginny and I's first kiss flood my senses, and soon my patronus was before me. I was a bit taken aback. Before, my patronus had been an ugly ferret, but since then it had changed. Now before me was a silvery lake turtle. Smiling, I whispered my message.

"Ginny, meet me at our spot at the lake if you can. -Draco." The turtle bound away, and I silently made my way to the lake, my body aching and my arm and head stinging.

Hey again! Sorry the chapter was so short :/ Thanks for reading! I'm s h o o k this story has like 350 reads!

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