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Ahahaha apparently there is a cliffhanger I wrote and never addressed so yeah. I'm gonna address that now.

The next few months were not easy. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I was dying inside. Despite the copious amounts of people coming through the house to give their condolences only Ginny knew when I couldn't take anymore. Thank Merlin for her fierceness or no one would ever leave.

"I swear, Weasley, sometimes your temper is just as fire red as your hair." I chuckled. Only Hermione, Ron, and Harry remained after Ginny had shooed the rest away.

"Well it did help you, so sod off you git." Ginny replied, kissing my cheek. We walked to the living room and took a seat on one of the couches.

"Ya know, we can leave too." Harry commented. His new girlfriend, a Gryffindor a year younger than me named Lana, hit his arm gently, scowling.

"Watch yourself, Potter." Ginny said back.

"Just saying you two could have your alone time or something."

Hermione decided to change the subject. "Can you believe nearly half a year ago we graduated." Everyone smiled.

"Yes, I remember. Harry confessed his ever burning love for Ginny." I said dryly.

"Then you hexed me. Twice." I rolled my eyes.

"Like you didn't deserve it." I retorted. Ginny squeezed my hand. As Hermione came to the rescue by changing the subject yet again.

"Actually," She started. "Ron and I have an announcement. And we wanted you all here." She looked meaningfully at me and I smiled weakly.

"Yeah, uh, it seems 'Mione's expecting. You know... a baby." Even Ron's lack of eloquence didn't dampen the message. A collective gasp came from the room.

"Merlin, Hermione, that's amazing!" Harry said. Lana nodded in agreement.

I glanced at Ginny. She was cooing at Hermione along with everyone else. I cleared my throat quietly and sipped my tea. I couldn't explain it, but suddenly I felt so very overwhelmed. Ginny didn't look away but squeezed my hand once more.

"You know, I just remembered I have a tryout for the Holyhead Harpies tomorrow." Ginny mentioned. Which was true, she had been going on about it for weeks, but it wasn't until 2 pm. Still, Hermione took the hint and within twenty minutes the house had cleared.

Carrying three empty cups of tea to the kitchen, I chuckled nervously.

"Wow, uh, can you believe Hermione and Ron are starting a family... so soon?" I said, turning on the tap to rinse the cups.

"Well," She said, hoisting herself onto the countertop next to me. "Based on the drunken call from Ron a few days ago about life being a cursed roller coaster, I don't exactly think they planned it." I laughed softly, kissing Ginny.

"You know, you're easier to see through than a window." She whispered. I smiled.

"I know. But you love it." I said, pulling away. Ginny fake pouted as she followed me to the living room.

"Draco, would you ever want to have kids?" And then I tripped over a footrest. "Dray!" Ginny keeled where I was picking myself up from the ground.

"Uh, I'm okay." I said. Ginny gave me an apologetic smile.

"Maybe I should have warned you first," She said. "Before I asked." I laughed quietly.

"Sorry, Gin you caught my off guard." I sat on the sofa, checking the time with a quick Tempus. It was 5 pm.

"Well, do you? You know... ever have kids?" I felt my eyebrows furrow.

"I... I don't know. I'm just barely 19. I've never thought about it." I saw Ginny's face fall slightly, her small smile waver. "But, you know, it doesn't mean I'll never want kids. I think maybe someday... no. Definitely. I know that I will want kids. Just, you know, maybe not now." Ginny's smile widened, and she squeezed my hand with a cheerful sigh.

"You know, you manage to say exactly what I'm thinking. Every time. I mean, from tutoring me at Hogwarts, to somehow diagnosing me with a mental disease... you always know what to say. It's always what needs to be spoken." I smiled. Truly smiled. Not everything was perfect, and not everything was alright. But I had her. And that's all that mattered.

ATTENTION! This part was severely edited. I changed the plot entirely. If you read before I changed it, I encourage a reread. Either way, I hope you enjoyed. Luv you all, and it's really nice to be back. 

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