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"Knight to C3." Theo smirked, taking out my bishop. I rolled my eyes. 

"I'm letting you win." I told him. He gave me a 'sure you are' look. "I have to go to the library anyway."

"Still tutoring the Weaselette?" Pansy asked.

"Uh, yeah. She's rubbish at potions." I lied. For some reason, I didn't want my friends to know I was helping her. I knew they'd make fun of me, but there was something else. 

I hurried to the library. Once there I set up a line of quills perfectly, and laid out a piece of parchment. A few moments later, Ginny walked in. She looked annoyed.

"I had to blow off Luna for this, Malfoy. What's your plan?" She huffed. I gestured to my seat as I stood and Ginny took it.

"The rules are simple. Refrain from any symtomatic behavior." I said, picking up a quill. I walked to the parchment and wrote 'Weasley',  ripping the parchment and uncentering it on the table. I threw the quill haphazardly onto the others.

Almost immediately, Ginny's eyes widened.

"What're you doing, Malfoy?" She squeaked. Ginny began to tap her leg in threes.

"Writing." I replied shortly. "Are you alright with that?" 

"This is a waste of my time."  Ginny said, hurrying to gather her things. I stopped her, my hand resting gently on her shoulder. She let her eyes drift to the floor.

"I told Madam Pomfrey that you would be in to see her after your last lesson tomorrow." Ginny exhaled loudly.

"Allow me to tidy the room. Fix it. Then... I suppose I will go an-and see Pomfrey." I nodded to her.

"Sure. Just get to the Griffindork common room before 9." I said. I let Ginny walk back to the table and set off to my common room. I fell asleep quickly, my mission feeling complete.

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